Story by misfit446

Hopefully short and sweet. Let me know.


Henrietta Desmond made sure the lights were out and the casement windows opened. Carefully, she removed the screen and pulled it inside her bedroom. Henrietta, or Henry to her friends had a raging eighteen inch cock that was pulsing with fuck power.

Being a girl with a cock exerted more pressure than anything on her young body. Even her best friend Amy didn’t know about it. But when she got hard, she HAD to relieve the IT. Though she was without external balls, she could cum with the best. That is why she began doing the late night masturbation. It was easy to launch it down on the lawn and bushes under the window so that there was no mess inside. The only clean up was to her cock and hand. Simple.

Living in a suburb her parents had bought a half acre lot and had the house built, meaning the neighbors were not right on top of them. So as the occasional car drove by or the sound of dogs barking in the distance, Henry would rub on her thick staff to the blissful conclusion, sending torrents of cum out into the night. Her emissions were voluminous, so that the splattering of the shots could be heard hitting the bushes or grass.

After two minutes, she felt relieved. Wiping her cock and fist with a hand towel, she set the screen back and closed the window. She then climbed into bed, dreaming what fifteen year old girls dreamed about most, BOYS!

School was always a challenge to hide her secret. Wearing longer skirts helped. She also wore a fanny pack in front as a purse, holding her money, cell phone and make up against her hanging girl cock.

Her friends were great. The gaggle of giggling girls consisted of Amy, Kathy, Sharon and Beth. Henry oddly rounded out the group of five. They did lots of thing together from seeing movies to playing sports to vegging and watching TV. All the families were welcoming when the girls got together at each other’s homes.

“Hey Henry,” Amy said as she walked up to her locker next to Henry’s. “You wanna do something after school?”

“Sure. What are the other girls doing?”

“Dunno. Didn’t ask.”

“Oh. Well, let’s meet at the front right after the last bell.”

School dragged on until finally, the last bell rang. Henry met a bent over Amy, the girl tying her shoe laces. Henry noticed how nicely Amy’s jean molded ass and the bulge of her pussy pressing against the taught denim looked. She swallowed. This was weird to Henry. She never really looked at Amy before like that. Shaken yet feeling a slight buzz about her body she felt her cock lurch. Holding her book bag in front of her, silently wishing her growing secret away the two girls began to walk to Henry’s house, about a half mile down the road. Amy noticed that Henry was walking funny and seemed in pain.

“What’s wrong?”

Panicked, Henry groaned, holding her stomach. “I don’t feel so good. Let me take a