Story by misfit446

No photo unless someone can offer one to this part. Would be much appreciated. Long time cumming but I think I have it. Last part coming when I get to it. Thanks for reading.


Allie called Mack in her office when Clara and her daughters, Jenny and Penny entered. Mack walked out to greet them.

“What’s up Clara? Haven’t seen you around here in a few months.”

“I have a pre paid appointment for the girls,” she announced curtly.

“Can I speak with you in my office? Girls, park it over there for a minute.” Leading Clara by the elbow, they entered the office as Mack closed the door.

“Please, sit down.” Clara obeyed and looked up.

“What’s this all about? I have a pedicure soon.”

“Listen Clara, why are you pushing your girls to get longer cocks when they are so young?”

“B-because that’s what you offer.”

“No, we offer more than that. We offer girl cock HEALTH,” Mack stressed. “They don’t have to have long cocks. They NEED to have strong cocks.”

“Oh that. Look, my girls have an appointment. Are you going to honor that?”

“We have a sign over the front desk. It reads, “We reserve the right to refuse service to any one at any time,” Mack said.

Clara stood angrily. “Are you REFUSING my girls service?”

“I want to evaluate them. If I feel they don’t need any treatment YOU have ordered, I will.”


“Oh shut up Clara. Seems to me you are trying to live your life through your beautiful little girls. They don’t NEED stretching. They NEED control. Why not enroll them in our popular cock yoga classes? We can teach them so much.”

“Coming from someone who has no children, I think you are way out of your league here.”

“Not when it comes to cocks I’m not.” Mack walked out and corralled the girls, leading them past their mother in the hallway. “Why don’t you do your errands Clara and I’ll take care of them until you return.”

“As long as they get the FULL hour. Goodbye girls.” The sisters mumbled ‘byes’ and Mack closed the door of her office.

Turning, Mack could only smile at the cute twins. “Listen girls, I’m here to help you, okay? I don’t know why your mother is so intent on having you get longer.”

“Mommy says she wants us to be world class, whatever that means,” Penny blurted.

“Yeah. What does it mean?” Jenny added.

“I don’t really know. But I want to evaluate you before we begin any treatments.” She hit a button on her phone. “Allie? Can you bring in the Beasley twins folder?”

“Now, tell me what has been happening since you were last here?”

“Well,” Jenny started and looked at Penny. Penny nodded. “Mommy has been working on us by herself.”

Concerned, Mack sat on the edge of her desk, arms across her tits. “What do you mean?”

“You know, dick stretching and stuff.”

“Oh,” Mack snarled.