Amber Takes a Risk

Story by cuteycindyhoney

Amber Janus is just a normal big city girl with two secrets. One

secret is a deep love for her roommate, Doctor Lucy Chow. The

other? Amber is a fully functional hermaphrodite! Love and lust

drive the girl to take a crazy risk. She steals sleeping pills from a

neighbor and drugs the beautiful doctor! Things spiral out of

control when Amber discovers things don't always work out like in

an Internet porn story!

Hermaphrodite, NC, drugging, impregnation, light bondage, age

play, love story.

This is my first hermaphrodite story in some time! Please enjoy!

Amber Takes a Risk

By Honey Moon

Amber smiled as she helped Mrs. Robinson unlock her mailbox.

"Oh, you got a package!" she winked at the old lady. "Order

something nice from the home shopping channels?"

"Oh no dear. Those are probably my sleeping pills. You know,

the one that the butterfly goes in people's bedrooms late at night in

the TV ads. They're the only medication that does a thing for my


The younger woman tried to suppress her excitement. What

perfect timing! "Here, you take these, and I'll carry your bag. The

elevator is busted again, after all."

Mrs. Robinson laughed, and handed over the impressively large

bag of groceries she had been carrying. She took back her keys and

the small parcel. "That's sweet of you honey. My arms are a bit

sore after my workout."

The spry old woman led the way up the stairs. Amber actually

had to struggle to keep up. "Slow down Mrs. R! It can't be good to

rush like that!"

"Nonsense sweetie. I haven't used the elevator since I moved in

my furniture ten years ago. I'm used to this."

Amber was quite winded when they finally reached the eighth

floor. "I thought going up six flights was bad! I'm impressed."

The old woman put her hands on her hips. "Young lady, I

should drag you down to the gym and put you through a good


Amber blushed. Workouts were fine. Gyms were even okay. It

was the shower room afterwards that she had to stay clear of! "Uh,

that's okay Mrs. R. You'll just wear me out!"

Her friend laughed. "Young people today have no stamina!" she

unlocked the door. "Come on in. I'll make you a cup of tea while I

drink my power shake."

Everything was going according to plan! "I'll put the things

away as payment, okay?"

"It's a deal!" Mrs. Robinson tossed her parcel into the bag

Amber was lugging. "You know where everything goes."

The younger woman tried to calm herself down as she put the

groceries away. The goal was in sight! It took an effort of will to

keep her hands steady as she finally picked up the parcel. "Do you

want these in the bedroom, or in the medicine cabinet?"

"Bathroom, definitely! You should never keep sleep aids close

to your bed. It's too easy to make a mistake that way."

"Yes ma'am!" Amber made herself walk slowly as she headed

for the bathroom. Now her hands shook! Thank goodness she had

overheard Mrs. R talking about her new prescription last week