A PLAGUE AMONG US (Futa/self hate/a bit slow)

Story by misfit446

Different kind of story. It is slow but hopefully thought provoking. Read it and let me know. This is STORY DRIVEN FIRST! Yes, THERE is some sex too.


Rene Noonan sat in her sociology class, listening once again to the professor drone on and on about life and such. But her ears perked up.

“We are now seeing a new group in our midst. These humans are both male and female. They are called hermaphrodites or futanari.” A hand shot up and the professor called on the now standing snooty girl.

Yep, it was Diane Reid. THE MOST VOCAL BITCH ON CAMPUS and the editor of the weekly BUGLE, the campus paper.

‘This should be good,’ thought Rene.

“Professor, why should such a small minority have such a loud voice?” she asked, cocking her hip out haughtily.

“In our society, everyone should have a voice, whether the majority or the minority.”

“But what if these HERMITES aren’t wanted around?” The large seminar class groaned collectively at the word used. It was definitely derogatory, like calling a race or creed a termite, a burrowing destructive pest. The word had been bandied about for several years, mostly by far right religious organizations of all persuasions. Diana sat with a smarmy smirk on her face.

“I don’t LIKE that word. It’s unfair. It lumps these unfortunate persons in the category of the unwanted. Why should we do that? Let us explore them, see these extraordinary human beings for who they are and integrate them in our society. Now sit down,” the Professor Daniels said, moving on to the main point of his argument.

Rene shot her hand up and stood. “Professor, who says these people are unfortunate? Just because SMALL minded people won’t except them doesn’t make them any less valuable to the whole of the world.” Several anonymous student announced their approval.

“True. I guess I misspoke. Maybe another word would suffice. How about discriminated people? Will that do?”

“Perfectly, thank you sir,” Rene smiled and sat. She knew Diana was glaring at her. No one should have to be shunned because they were different, especially if they couldn’t do anything about it.

At the end of the lecture the class was given its semester thesis assignment. Rene was convinced she was going to write about hermaphrodites and their place in society. She knew that Professor Daniels would love it.

The class broke up and Rene went on to her History class across campus. She kept an eye on Diana as she left the building. ‘Why is she so against futas?’ she thought. She decided to interview her for her paper.

Two days past before she went over to the campus paper offices and knocked on Diana’s open door. The tight bitch looked up and snarled.

“What the fuck do YOU want?”

“I’m doing my paper on Hermaphrodites in our society and want to interview you about why you seem to want to disenfranchise them.”

“Ooooh, nice wo