SERIAL DICKING (crime/futa)

Story by misfit446


Penny Anderson awoke to her cell phone ringing. Groggily she grabbed it, flipping the lid.

“Anderson,” she groaned.

“We got another one, Victoria Hotel, room seven fourteen.”

“Aw shit,” she hissed. “I’ll be right there.” She hung up and jumped from the bed and into the bathroom. She stood at the toilet and let go a nice piss as she reached to start the shower.

A half hour later she was pulling up in front to the hotel. Flashing her badge she worked her way through all the cops and crime scene investigators running around. The elevator stank of stale booze and piss. The hotel was well known for its hour nap rates as well as a place for druggies and down and outers to stay.

The ancient elevator finally reached the seventh floor and Penny strode down the hallway, following the loud voices of the investigators.

Entering, the room was a mess. There was cum everywhere, mixed with blood and guts.

Penny tapped Joan, her partner on the shoulder. “Oh, hi. Take a look around,” she said. “But don’t slip on the cum.” Penny nodded and carefully worked her way around the scene.

The dead woman was lying on the bed, her mouth still filled with blood and guts. From experience, Penny knew the coroner would find her pelvic bone broken in two, her insides literally pounded to much or reamed out her mouth by something massive.

This was the third crime in the last six weeks in this small city. Penny was pissed. She and Joan had checked all leads so far. No sex offenders, no recent parolees in the area, no friends or relatives of the victims related to the crime.

The state crime lab had got a DNA profile from the two other crimes that matched the perp. Penny knew this would be the same for this crime. Same M.O., same mess. Even the same type woman. ‘Shame,’ thought Penny. ‘She was attractive.’

“How soon for a report on the scene?” she asked Frank, the head crime scene investigator.

He shrugged. “Dunno. We’ll be here most of the night. Maybe by Wednesday. And it’ll be a preliminary one. There’s a shit load of evidence here.” Penny nodded and carefully walked over to Joan.

“What do you think?”

“Looks like our girl,” Joan said, surveying the sickening scene one more time. “Come on, let’s see if anyone heard anything.” Penny followed her partner out of the room and down the hall.

They walked over to a patrolman who was talking with a pajama clad woman in the hallway.

“Did you hear anything?: Joan asked the older woman.

“Hell ya. God awful sounds.”

“Can you describe these sounds?” Penny asked.

“Screams, mostly. But like painful screams.” Joan eyed Penny and nodded.

“Officer, take her information. We might want to talk with her later.” The women went downstairs. Joan noted a small camera in the corner near the front door, pointing toward the elevators. Dialing her cell phone she