Story: Alice's Awakening

Story by Ree-chan

Well, this story is prolly just going to be a one shot, though I donno really, if people like it enough I might do more... time will tell. As always, feel free to give me feedback. \(^-^)/ Story Tags for this Story are brought to you by the letter 'F'! This story features futa x female sex.

My mother told me that a long time ago that the world's greatest magicians, wizards, witches, sorcerers and the like, got together and decided that the unGifted should be forced into thinking that the power of magic had died out and that the Gifted should step back from their places of power and fame and simply fade into legend. She also said that some of the Gifted really didn't agree with that ruling. But really, that's in the past, now-a-days, no one believes in magic, not really. Well... there are a few, ya know? They call themselves pagans, and Wiccans, spiritualists, etcetera, and there's always been the mystics, but really, they use something else than magic, at least the magic that the Gifted know, but I'm digressing, The thing I want to tell you, Diary, happened today after school, I mean it started out like any other day but then...

Waking up on monday morning isn't exactly my idea of a 'good time' no matter how chipper and perky and happy my little sister is, last night the group was together till two am, Deia, our GM, had just gotten a new book and wanted us all to write up new characters, as if that didn't take up most of the night, but it was fun, she wanted us to play something different than usual, so it took more time to write up our characters, then we got to watching Bleach on Jim's laptop, he's such a fanboy, I admit it's a fun anime, but I like things that are less.... well, swordinyourface'y, ANYWAY! Gods, I ramble so much even to myself.... But yeah, basically, the alarm went off at five am sharp and I was half past dead, so working my way through the torture that was little Annika's current musical addiction, something hard, loud, and electronic, I took care of my morning business, shower, make up, fresh clothes, all that fun stuff a girl's gotta do to make herself look as best she can for the public... though I do admit that I'm not exactly a slouch when it comes to how I look. Mid back length black hair, Annika calls it 'raven' but I like the way 'umbral' sounds better, don't you? But yeah, long black hair, a set of KILLER curves if I do say so myself, even if I'm a little embarrassed to show them off. My eyes are a sharp green color, Annika says they're proof I'm part cat, which is why I sleep and laze around so much, I think she's just jealous that I'm a senior and she's still a freshman.

Well, today's ensemble was done in anti-social black, atleast that was my plan, it turned out that black wasn't the right color to proove my introvertedness, since today was one of 'Those' days, you know the ones, where nothing seems to go right? On the way to school my car just DIED, I had to call Triple A then a Ca