In Her We Trust

Story by TheFuzz

Ok, so I finally decided to try my hand at writing stories. This is one I made just today, critiques, criticisms, and the whatnot are welcome. I'm not too sure how often I'll update, so don't hold your breath for them. This first part is a prologue and teaser of sorts. The next parts will be much more plot driven, so that's either good or bad news for you guys. Without further ado...

Edit: Wow, looks a lot shorter here than on Microsoft Word.

“Stand the fuck up you worthless piece of shit,”

Great way to start the morning, isn’t it?

Two burly hands hoist me up by my ragged shirt, picking me up off of my bed, if you can call a slab of concrete a bed. A bright light shines in my face as I flail in midair. I slowly open my eyes, trying to focus after being in darkness for the past eighteen hours. I feel a sticky warmth coat my chin, dripping and winding its way down my body.

Ugh. This again.

My tormentor’s tanned face comes into view. Already slightly tilted back, it conveys an erotic mood. Drool slips and slides down the side of her chin. Her eyes slightly rolled back and glazed over. Sweat glistens from her forehead. Her luscious mouth exudes a warm and humid air. Her hair drapes down, bangs covering her sky blue eyes, the rest hanging down past her shoulders.

I’m such a damn masochist. Fuck.

Her huge member throbs against my chest, its size rivaling my average 5’10”stature. My captor releases one of her hands, holding my body up with her remaining. She slowly wraps my arms around her cock. It pulsates with anticipation, swelling even thicker. Try as I might, I can’t bring my two hands to touch. My feet drum against her churning balls, squishy and pliant. My field of vision shifts lowers as she sits down, resting her back against the cold concrete slab of a bed. Her balls force her immaculately trimmed, muscular legs apart – they’re probably big enough to cover most of small floor by now. I try to sneak a glimpse of them, but her imposing body blocks all lines of sight. I feel my frigid toes rub against her warm and inviting sac, eliciting an enthusiastic response. She then squeezes her cock between my body and hers, her own head rests barely above her throbbing monster. Gripping me tightly with one hand, she uses the free one to brush away the lone strands of hair covering her face. Our eyes meet as she moves her hand away, despite my vain attempts to look away - she scoffs between her gasps of ecstasy.

“What… a pathetic …creature you are… so weak” she laughs harshly and moans. “You’re the most …durable of