A Young Witch (Finally, an official thread!)

Story by Josephine


Once, long ago, before 7chan, before Donate or Die '05... or, in short, before I was legal, I browsed 4chan /u/ and /d/ to appease my young and explosive sexual appetite. One day, on a goo-girl thread, I got linked to a goo-girl fiction on what was then the Fiction discussion board on World4ch. I read. I came. Several times. I became inspired, thinking "I could do that!" Maybe, just possibly, I could write something as good and as sexy as the stories form the four authors featured on Pillars of 0bsidian.

Thus, A Young Witch was born. The story had humble beginnings; it appeared just segments at a time, each about as long as the prologue. I posted them to the World4ch /fict/ board, only to watch them fade into obscurity as I wrote new chapters. I kept it archived, though, and it grew slowly, incorporating all of the first two chapters and most of what is now the fourth chapter before it was pointed out to me that I was taking the story in an entirely wrong direction with the early introduction of an enemy witch. Well, thought I, I could either continue and have AYW turn into some kind of mildly sexual occult suspense thriller, or I could rewrite it, flesh it out, and continue to think of sexy adventures for Elle and Alice to have.

What I shall post here in this thread is the result of that decision. Three years in the making and still continuing, I present to you A Young Witch.


Iris J. CaldorA Young Witch

By Iris J. Caldor

The contents of this story are explicitly sexual in nature, and include elements of transformation, hermaphroditism, soft bondage, and transgenders. If any of these offend you, please stop reading now. If you are underage and/or it is illegal to view this story, I don't give half a shit; by reading further than this disclaimer, you hereby affirm that it is legal for you to view this story, and if you're not, I therefore take no responsibility for your own damn lies.

Prologue - A Spiteful Revenge

"Do what you want with the bitch," said Alice Doxer, the buxom, blonde popularity queen of Dainsworth High. Hugs and smiles to those she liked, Wiched Witch to the outcasts and those whom she felt had slighted her. "Everyone knows God hates dykes and fags."

Oh yeah, and gays, thought Elle Hamilton, a petite teen in slender glasses and androgynous, nondescript clothing, as she glanced grimly at the two burly jocks. She recognized them from the football team. She cursed herself for her timing. What rotten luck she'd encountered Queen Bitch and her goons on the way to the bathroom.

Presently, the goons stepped slowly towards her, and as she edged back nervously, she repeated in her head, 'Must never use it to harm another. Must never use it to harm another. Must never...'

Elle's hands started to give off the faintest glow as her control over her powers slipped. Just then, though, a voice called out behind the goon squad.

"Alice Doxer! Chad Farnes! Tony Argoz! ...Elle Ha