Feeling Strange: One Shot Stories

Story by Keahi19

Disclaimer: THis does have loli in it, this is a story and therefore not a fantasy or anything of mine, but part of the literary work. All charecters are fictional and any link to any real person are unintentional and coinicidental. Therefore remember its a work of fiction. Okie enough legal stuff, here is the stories.

And this is for ALL stories. Not just the ones directly underneath this warning.

I would also like to add that neither the author, nor anyone else here says that genocide, or gendercide are good or anything else. In fact the story will end that will show that the fanatics of either side are clearly wrong. Only by combining together can men or women truly succeed. That's the message at the end of this story, and no matter what you should know that's where it's headed. It just needs to get through some dark roads to get to the sun. Because it's literary. It is not fact, nor is it meant to say that it's what should really happen. I repeat not what should really happen. It's a way of getting somewhere.

These charecters are one shots, or might be in later stories. Whether they are or not all depends on what I decide. So, please enjoy these short stories.

Feeling Strange: The Investigator

The hallway spanned a ddozen blocks, the Captain letting out little puffs of air as he tried to keep a brisk pace. His graying hair got in the way of his eyes as he used a stray hand to move it away. He hadn't been able to shave in a few days, slowly opening the door into a darkened room.

"Investigator" He said as he walked into the room, a young man sitting akwardly in his chair. It was more of a crouch than an actual sitting. "Sir.... You've been watching anime again haven't you?"

"Ehh... why would you say that?" His bloodshot eyes and messy hair being illuminated by the computer screen.

"Because you're cosplaying again." The older man let out a long sigh as the young man grinned.

"Well it's such an interesting costume to wear." He peeled the circles under his eyes off and then grabbed a comb. "But, you are right this isn't the time to be looking to TV shows and anime for inspiration. Though L is a rather interesting detective. I just can't survive on sweets alone and never sleep." He grabbed a pair of chopsticks and attempted to eat a boiled egg.

"Have you ever tried to eat Western food with chopsticks? It's very hard, especcially if it comes with a bun." He almost dropped the egg three times before he stuffed it into his mouth.

"Investigator." The other man growled lightly at his eccentric boss. The young man combed his hair back and slipped off his clothes in order to get dressed in proper attire. He didn't wear the tie and the dress shirt was short sleeved. He sighed as he grabbed another egg.

"Now as for these problems the women have been having." He walked out into the hall, another young officer joining them.

"Yes, what is it doing? What's ha