Chun-Li Fights Back

Story by Auyvex

This is a short one-off story I did, just so I could try to get back on track. I might do a sequel, or make it a longer series, if I feel like it or get enough positive response.

Sorry if there's any typos or weird sentencing structures, it's the first time I've done a story in nearly a year and I'm trying to get back into it.

This is possibly my tamest story yet, so everyone could have a chance to enjoy it without getting too weirded out.

Anyways, I don't own Chun-li, capcom does, blah blah, enjoy:

Chun-li Fights Back: Chapter One

by Auyvex


Chun-Li happily placed her weights down at the side as she finished up. She had been getting ready for the second World Warriors tournament, that was being held next month. She had been at the local gym daily for the past several months to ensure that she was physically ready, since she wasn't fit enough last year and ended up losing at her first match. She might've had the kicks and jumps, but her exhaustion got the best of her and she failed.

"Not gonna happen this year!", she thought to herself as she grabbed her long coat and headed out the gym's door.

Chun-li strolled down the street, trying to think up a plan to get ready for the tournament. As she spaced out and walked on, she couldn't help but feel her pants getting tighter around her right leg. Confused, she stopped and checked her pockets. Was her wallet falling out? Or... oh, no.

Chun-li felt her penis once again. That damned thing that was sabotaging her chances for the tourney. It was steadily growing... at around three inches at the moment, but it was sure to get larger with each minute.

"Fuck!... I gotta get home, and quick!," she thought. She quickly grabbed her penis and positioned it up inside her pants, then jogged back to her apartment, holding her coat over herself and hiding the bulge.


Two months ago, Chun-li started to feel a strange ache emerging from her vagina. As it got worse and worse, she went to her doctor to check the situation out, who sent her to the emergency room almost immediately after a thorough inspection. Lying on a hospital bed, she fell unconscious as a group of doctors and nurses surrounded her.

Several hours later, she woke up to lying on the bed with a doctor nearby in the room. She discovered that her vagina had an odd bump, which she discovered was now a small penis. Chun-li began screaming at the doctor as to what was happening, who had to calm her down and spill out the details.

"You have a rare genetic disorder," he told her, "It's called Futarosis. It only affects about twenty or thirty women a year, and is based off family genes. Women born with the disorder have a vagina that conceals a very miniscule penis and testicles, which slowly grows inside them every few years or so, until they reach their mid-20's, where the penis bursts out and destroys the vaginal area."

"S-s-so-so I'm a b-boy...?" Chun-li asked, shaking at the shock