Fixing The Sink

Story by jokermon

Yeah, I know, the plumber who comes to fix the sink is a tired porn cliche, but that was the challenge I set for myself. Nothing nasty here, just futa-female with some very mild incestuous innuendo.

Fixing The Sink

A Short Story by jokermon

This is a piece of erotic fantasy fiction. It features explicit futanari (hermaphrodite) content.

If that's not your thing, or if reading this type of material is unlawful where you reside, don't

read it. If you are not old enough to read adult material according to your local laws, don't read

it. This story is not meant to reflect actual people, events or medical conditions.

This story is copyright the author ©2008

Lena was in the tub when her boyfriend Richard called to cancel their anniversary dinner.

“Oh, damn it,” she wailed as she snapped her cell phone shut and stood there on the fluffy bath mat, dripping and seething.

This always happens. Does he think I’m unattractive or something?

She knew this was nonsense, even as she thought it. The twentyish, fuming woman in the mirror was a technical knockout. Her body (now artfully concealed by soap suds) was big and curvy in certain places, (the right places, the men in her life fervently assured her) slim and tight elsewhere. Her mane of gold-filtered chestnut curls shone with health and, when properly conditioned and blow-dried, tumbled over the bare-shoulder tops she favored in a flirty cascade. Her butt was fuller than those of the models in Allure or Cosmo, certainly, but she liked the way it filled out her skirts and jeans with what her mother called oomph.

Her mother, a tipsy dear of a retired fashion model, would often slur, don’t you listen to those diet freaks, Lennie. A girl can never have too much oomph. She would often follow up such a comment with an approving smack to the oomph in question.

This embarrassed the hell out of Lena during her adolescence whenever she did it in front of Lena’s friends, but it also secretly pleased her. Her mother’s appreciation of her fleshy curviness was hearty and genuine. That positive body-image, so rare in the offspring of famously skinny parents, sank into Lena and gave her confidence. Moreover, despite her indignant protests, she took an unspoken delight in her beautiful mother’s occasional bouts of inappropriate touching. Before she retired at 40, her mother was a very busy woman, frequently gone for long periods on photo shoots and international ad campaig