First Go, Worth Continuing?

Story by Sonata

Hi all, I'm new 'round these parts, and the Stories section here on the boards is by far my favorite. I decided to give it a go myself, so I'd like to know what you think. Right now, it is rather generic and straightforward. I have a storyline in mind, but if my writing style isn't really appetizing to people, I don't want to continue on with it. Anyway, here it is, let me know what you think positive or otherwise.


Note: All characters, names, and places in this story are fictional. If there are any such people or places that share a name, rest assured, I just picked these out of my mind as I wrote.

Alarm clocks were the worst thing that the human race had invented thusfar, Lisa thought as the little electronic device screeched its high-pitched notes into her sleep-deafened ears. She fumbled around on the nightstand beside her bed, knocking off a picture frame, a hairbrush, and her glasses’ case before she finally managed to find the tiny little switch that would shut that infernal noise off. After she had ceased the blaring, she lay on her back, her half-closed eyes staring bleakly up at the ceiling. Lisa Harman was 18 years old, and entering the last, final leg of her time at Langley High School, and she was glad of it. It wasn’t to say that her nearly 4 years at the place were decidedly unpleasant, but it was high school in the end, and she was ready to be rid of it. With only a few weeks remaining before graduation and the summer, it was hard to remain focused on the whole affair. This problem was compounded by Lisa’s status as a senior, which thanks to some careful planning the previous semester, meant she would be exempted from all of her finals. Going to school was hard enough, going when you knew you wouldn’t have to prove you actually learned this stuff at the end was even harder, Lisa thought. It was the way things were though, and with a struggle Lisa climbed out of bed.

As Lisa climbed out of bed, she ran a hand through her light brown hair, tossling it about before letting it fall down. It reached past her shoulders a bit, and fell rather neatly around the generous swell of her breasts. She wasn’t an overly tall girl, and in fact found herself to be painfully short for her own tastes. Standing at 5 feet, 3 inches, she certainly wouldn’t be playing center in the NBA anytime soon, she thought with a light smirk. Her breasts rounded out to a full C cup, which seemed a bit larger due to her slender, short frame. Her full rear was perhaps a bit larger than the average, full without being overly large. It led down to her slender legs. One could hardly call them “long,” considering her body simply wasn’t big enough for her legs to earn that status, but they managed an elegant look, well proportioned to her body at least.

A look at the slender, full-figured, brown-eyed brunette beauty that was Lisa Harman was all