The Cloned

Story by WotanAnubis

TITLE: The Cloned

AUTHOR: WotanAnubis

FANDOM: Advance Wars: Dark Conflict

DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters and am not making a profit.


PAIRING: Larissa/Catleia

NOTE: As with my previous Advance Wars: Dark Conflict fic, I'm using the names from... well, Dark Conflict. I hope the hardcore Days of Ruin purists can find it in themselves to forgive me.

Also, I'm not quite sure if this fic counts as D/s or FemDom. True, I'm writing strictly from Larissa's perspective and in her mind it almost certainly does, but I hope I've managed to make it clear enough that her perspective is a little flawed.

* * * * *

Hope Village.

Such a trite little name. Still, its pathetic name matched the pathetic little community of weaklings, dreamers and idealists that lived there. Not that that gave those feeble-minded peasants the right that call their village by such an insulting name. Really, the whole thing was just sickening. And yet... Larissa couldn't quite bring herself to permanently turn her back on it.

Things had been a bit different ever since the 12th Independent or whatever they called themselves had destroyed the Owl Nest. After her Daddy had died, Larissa had not felt lost, because she was above such feelings of weakness, but... different. Without her Daddy's presence she'd become aware of... connections, more or less. A kind of strange knowledge of where her sisters... that is, her sister and the inferior clone of her sister were and even if they were doing fine. She could somehow... feel Lili and Lutia's clone as though they were part of her.

Larissa had to admit it wasn't an unpleasant feeling, but it was a particularly bothersome one. Whenever she strayed too far from the little hamlet she could feel Lili and Catleia pulling her back. Not physically, of course, but she just seemed to feel better the closer she was to her sisters. So she lurked in an abandoned IDS bunker the Legion hadn't discovered yet, living far below her ususal standards with only machines to serve her.

And, sometimes, after the sun had sent she actually went out and visited the horrible little place. Not that she had to, of course, or that she was lonely. It was nothing of the sort. It was simply that Catleia was so pathetically eager to please her. Larissa knew she only did so because she wanted her to come live with her and pretend to be a family, but that was an ulterior motive she was content to live with on boring nights where she had nothing else to do.

As she approached the village borders on this warm summer night Larissa was not at all surprised to see Catleia already waiting for her, sitting serenely on a white blanket. She was dressed in those terribly unflattering clothes she always wore. Larissa didn't mind her sister's clone's pitiful fashion choices. In a way it meant that the true form of Catleia's body was a secret to all but herself and Larissa could appreciate that sort of thing.

"You come out here every