k, I dont' do this often but I' mtrying to improve...

Story by RayNocturne

Warning: This involves rape and murder anyone who doesn't like either of those best not read.

Now before th actuall post I want to ask that no one be too too harsh with criticism since this is my first post, but please help me get better at writing. This is just a quick story I wrote out of boredom so don't expect it to be great please.

The assassination plot

By: Ray Nocturne

The sun was setting, the first of the stars faintly visible in the crimson sky as the Lady in Black made her way to the castle, she was currently dressed in an expensive looking black and silver flowing dress, one for dancing, she was seated in a plain brown carriage drawn by two white horses. The carrier and horses were identical to six others directly in front of her, all headed for the castle. Inside the castle all seven girls, they wore similar dresses in different colours, were led to a private room to get read for their performance for tonight was the night of a feast and only the finest would be allowed to entertain the royalty.

The feast went well enough, seven beautiful girls dancing as the royals ate with the royals of another country, discussing a peace treaty, and this truly was the best night to strike. As the feast came to an end the girls were excused, six of them heading back to their carriages after changing into more casual attire, the seventh and last to enter never exited and no one noticed. Inside the dressing room the Lady in Black shed her dress, folding it and placing it aside, leaving her standing in black leather clothing, it fit closely to her skin to allow her freedom of movement but some protection, the leather shoes she wore were thin and soft, to allow some protection against things that may lay on the floor but still enable her to move swiftly and silently along the castle’s stone floor, However the oddest thing about her suit perhaps was at the crotch, a slight bulge in the leather covered by a small flap designed to open under certain circumstances. She tossed her long black hair over her should, having grown it out long to better fit the appearance of a dancer, before heading out once the cloak of night had fully fallen over the castle. Silently walking along the corridors, pausing only to avoid a patrolling guard. The trip was quick as she had studied the layout of the castle for many nights prior, having gotten the blueprints from the people who had constructed it, and now that she was standing outside of the queens’ chambers a small, thin smile crossed her pale features as the Lady in Black opened the door, thankful it didn’t squeak as she slipped in and shut it behind her.

The queen was changing from her intricate dress she wore to the party into clothes more suited for sleeping when she heard the door click, she looked back and saw no one, figuring it was just the wind she went back to undressing, moving a big quicker out of paranoia. The Lady in Black watched from a shadowy corner, watched the woman undress, a real