The Three Maidens of the Southern Gold Pagoda (book 1, no futa herein)

Story by fiddlesticks

So I posted this quite some time ago on the F3 forums, but I never put it here because I wanted to wait until Book 2 (which does contain futa) was closer to being finished. Well, it's close. Any day now. So for the purposes of back-story (or whatever)...



By some asshole named "Fiddlesticks"

It goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway: this is a work of fiction. Any similarity between anyone or anything alive or dead, destroyed or standing is a total coincidence.


The three maidens of the Southern Gold Pagoda were the daughters of Cheh Zhan-Shi, so as far as male members of the Jiang Hu were concerned, that meant hands-off; quite a sore spot for most men.

The oldest of the Three Maidens appeared to be only twenty-five. Cheh Mei-Zhu was also the tallest, a towering beauty at nearly six feet, with long, jet black hair that fell down to her waist. She had long, curvy legs, and she enjoyed showing them off by wearing dresses that barely came down a quarter of her thighs when she shopped in public. Her face was considered one of the Twenty-seven Great Visions by celebrated poet Jin Yong, but he was one of the few men to ever look upon her and live; Mei-Zhu wore a veil when she walked among mortal commoners, and if a man was stupid enough to try to catch a glance at her face, she killed him as soon as he set eyes upon her with a look that stopped that man's beating heart cold in his chest.

The next youngest, Cheh Xi-Lan, apparently only twenty years old, was by comparison the exact opposite of the oldest sister. At a much shorter five foot six inches, she was a tomboy, and preferred blacksmithing and constructing weapons to learning poetry and calligraphy like her two other sisters. Xi-Lan's hair was cut short, just above her shoulders, and if she wore it up in a hat, as she most often preferred, she would've been confused for a young boy were it not for her incredible, voluptuous body. Her breasts were huge for a Chinese woman's, even large for a foreigner's, but they were so firm and perky that people often wondered if she'd not found some kind of Lightness Kung Fu to help her chest defy gravity. Her hips were quite ample, her ass was full and round, but her waist was disproportionately thin, which only emphasized her curvy build. She practiced her Kung Fu often, preferring twin broadswords, in the courtyard of the Pagoda, where everyone could watch her incredible physique.

The youngest of the Three Maidens of Southern Gold Pagoda was perhaps the most discussed among the old perverts and beggars of the Jiang Hu. Cheh Yue-Fang's actual age was unknown, but she appeared incredibly young, perhaps as young as eight to ten. None of the Three Maidens aged, really, but considering that, over dozens of years, she never s