Futa Academy : New Generation Pt 1

Story by cyborgmanx

Now before I begin, I want everyone to know that this story is experimental. If you are interested in it, that's cool. However you need to know a very important part...

If you are expecting alot of sex scenes, you are going to be disappointed. So, after your done reading the story don't go posting "Wheres all the action at?" or some stupid remark like that. This is a story with futa elements, nothing more...

Infact, I may or may not finish this story. I dunno yet. I want to see how well it does for the people who actually read to not get off. (people like me)

Futanari Academy : New Generation : Part 1?

By Cyborgmanx

It was a large reception at the Mars Academy, many futanari were gathered as well as various other alien species that had come into contact with the Terrestrial Government quite recently. The Terrestrial Government was the official name of new government formed by the union of Earth and Mars, and soon Luna. The head mistress came to the podium and coughed, and then begun to speak. Her voice carried over through the air, with the help of her portable microphone that was connected to the new speaker system that used the air instead of electronic speakers, thanks to the Gener Republic.

"Thank you all for comming to us this day. We, the Futanari Academy are pleased to welcome non-terra species into our halls. The Futanari Academy is now also pleased to welcome non-futanari genders as well. We hope that all of you will have a wonderful time in our academy. Before I go, are there any questions?" The terra spoke alloud, the hardonium clothing concealing her bulge exceptionally well.

"Yes, I have one!" A lioness gener spoke to her. Continuing, she asked her question. "How do you recieve funding. Didn't you go through the porn industry for your funding?"

The terra mistress laughed softly, and nodded. Her short strawberry red hair flowing as she turned to the girl. "Yes my lovely Gener, you are correct. But we decided that we wanted to shed the negative image that all futanari recieve. We didn't want all of our students to be chased or ostricized for the false rumor that they are sexual nymphos who can't live without sex. We want them to grow well in the world. Infact, all of our students who have problems with breeding all go through a gene therapy to turn off their hormones that are associated with reproduction. Doing so has reduced the rate of crimes that are associated with sexual acts that break the law."

Nodding, the lioness continued her debate with the mistress. "Isn't that merely a crutch though? Can't they live without having sexual relations with anyone for one day?"

Nodding, she brought up a hologram of the training video that juniors go through. "Yes, you are correct. Which is why we go through the process of training those who produce regular or low ammounts of the f-hormone." The mistress continued "For those who produce more then the normal ammount, they go under gene therapy to reduce the produce of this inballance