Prendergast School For Exceptional Girls

Story by misfit446

I actually started this series before discovering FP. Go figure. I have a few chapters written but thought I'd share chap one first. See if you like it. If so, let me know. See my other stories too. Want everyone to have a wonderful fapping time.


The new class participants were sitting in the bleachers of the gymnasium, talking amongst themselves nervously, awaiting the Dean of Students to make the introductory speech.

Glory Thompson squirmed as she tried to set her large ball sack comfortably between her legs. She looked around and saw other girls of every girl and nationality holding balls up on their thighs or just letting them hang down below the hem of their skirts. Turning her head she spotted several girls with shorts on. The bulge in the front was impressive but their balls were smaller than hers. She shuttered at the thought of these twenty five girls, girls like her. She never met anyone like her. Home schooled since school age, she never had to endure too much teasing and meanness from fellow students.

She knew she was different. So was her brother Glen who was attending the sister school, Prendergast School for Exceptional Boys across the campus. She shied away from other girls because of her girlcock so Glen became her best friend, confidante and fellow big dick counselor.

Her Mother, Jane, had divorced their father Bill after Glen was born. It turned out he was playing around with the neighbor across the street. His golfing afternoons were trysts with Mrs. Fellman. When Mom found out, well, shit hit the fan. And Dad paid through the nose.

What he didn’t know and Mom never told him, was that his little baby girl had a cock. Even at birth my cock was evident above my vagina. The doctors wanted to do some operations on me but Mom forbid it. Dad was oblivious. He was one who was always busy when it came to changing poopy diapers so he just never knew.

But when Glen was born the following year, he was as proud as a peacock. Glen was already laying three inches above his eggsized balls. Dad was happy to have a big boy. He did change Glen’s diapers sometimes.

Then he started to play with Mrs. Fellman, and that was that. Mom knew we were different from the start and decided to home school us so that we wouldn’t go through the hell of others jeering and making fun of us.

One thing Mom always stressed was that both Glen and I were special. We were gifted and we were to keep our gifts to ourselves. Others would be jealous.

The second thing she stressed was physical fitness. We ran, swam, lifted weights and ate very well. Lots of vegetables, fish, some chicken and natural juices.

Glory was startled out of her reverie as the Dean took the podium. “Ahem, welcome. Welcome to the PSEG. Wow, look at all of you. Such pretty girls.”

There was general giggling and figeting. “I am Dean Meeker. Okay,