Jessica, DQ8

Story by forest

Hey-o, I just found out about this site. I've been out of the loop for a while and busy lately so i havent had time to find a good futa forums aside from F3. And I think i like this one more :176:

I don't want to lurk, so here's this story i wrote a while back and gave up on because i was too busy with schoolwork. it's very possible that in the future i will actually write the third part which i've been putting off for a long, long time. But for now, schoolwork has made me its bitch. Enjoy, guys!

------------------------------------------Part 1 ------------------------------------------

hi folks, i'm new here. This is my first futanari story. Please forgive and point out to me any grammatical or structural errors so that i can fix them.

Also, it's been a long time since i've actually played the game so i might have gotten a couple things wrong in that sense.

I hope you all enjoy!

Orkutsk’s Hot Winter Night – A Dragon Quest VIII Jessica Futanari Story

Jessica reached her hand out through the night’s cold darkness. Tears began to well up in the bottom of her eyes as she chased after the faintly glowing, ghostly image of her brother. Swallowing black surrounded her and held her back, blocking her way to Alistair.

“Brother!” she cried out for him. “Alistair! Wait!” she called, over and over again. His gently shining figure walked away and disappeared into the infinite night. She kept running forward, but the darkness held her back. Gasping for breath and streaming tears down her pale, white face, she cried his name a final time and collapsed onto her knees. Jessica doubled over forward, her elbows pushed against the freezing, white ground, covered with snow.

“Alist…air…” she muttered, feeling the tears fall away from her face and melt tiny holes into the snow. Something pushed against her shoulder. She didn’t move. The something nudged her again, harder. Jessica woke up suddenly in her bed Orkutsk’s inn. The silver-haired Angelo knelt next to her bed, his hand on her shoulder, shaking her gently. Jessica looked at him and slapped his hand away.

“Just what do you think you’re doing?” she said to him. Angelo looked offended.

“My lady, simply remedying you from the demon sleep. I swore to protect you by any means possible, which includes saving you from nightmares as well,” he said, in his usual suave manner and pushed his hair behind his ear. Jessica gave him an acidic look. Angelo never gave up an opportunity to attempt to impress the extremely attractive redhead.

“Leave me alone…” she said to him, still shooting daggers out of her eyes.

Angelo sighed and stood up. “As you wish, my lady,” he said and walked out of her room, closing it behind him. Jessica turned on her side, her shapely, curvy form hidden by the thick blankets.

The dying flames in the fireplace cast a weak light into the room. Jessica stared at the wooden, brown wall, then made a fist and slammed i