Flesh Project 24 - Dream Girls

Story by Flesh_Seraph



(Author's note: Feedback and PM's welcome. This is done for two reasons- because I enjoy it, and to entertain people who enjoy the same things as I do. Don't be shy- one good way to keep a writer writing is to let it be known that you like his or her work. Suggestions for this saga/future projects are always encouraged. Have a favorite character you want to see more of? Chime in!.)


Setsume shuddered and gasped as her body vibrated under the sliding lengths of a dozen fleshy tentacles, each one segmented and glistening with a whitish sheen of greasy fluid. As they crisscrossed and cradled her, painting her in oily residue, she could not remember how she had come to be in this position. She only knew that something sexually-charged and astonishing was happening, and that Lorelai, sight unseen, was likely responsible.

Her glorious teenage nakedness was suspended in mid-air, wrists and ankles bound tight by the fleshy, hot, segmented pinkness of several thin and extremely strong tentacles. Others were holding her body up from below, pressing against her back and tight buttocks to keep them elevated. Her entire body shone with their emissions, and droplets of semi-clear lubrication would occasionally patter down from her bronze skin and toward the floor.

She was bound, prone…and completely greased up for what might come. Setsume’s beautiful legs extended seemingly forever in horizontal limbo, forcefully pulled taut and open by small clusters of thinner tentacles. As she gasped at the sensation of these ribbed appendages, the tentacles coiling and sliding around her midsection and torso opened their mouthlike tips and disgorged oily wads of lubrication, splattering the already shiny dickgirl in another shower of hot, translucent cream. These lengths seemed to have a mind of their own, following their emissions down onto her body, smearing tentacle-ejaculate over Setsume’s pert breasts, and sliding playfully in the wet valley between.

Setsume’s skin tingled. Her cock was rock hard and flat against her chest, the shaft and ballsack already slick with sperm-like tentacle goop. Despite her efforts to remain sane and docile, she had already begun helplessly adding her own pre-cum to the moisture between her breasts, and could only watch, ashamed, as more and more of it dripped lazily from the twitching pisshole of her two-foot dick. The tentacles holding her aloft jostled her underside with their probing edges, causing her teenage body to jiggle tantalizingly, especially in the ass and tits, while simultaneously sending a spray of oily droplets cascading off of her perfect form. These fallen amounts were soon replaced as the coils and lengths wrapped around Setsume continued to discharge hot, sperm-smelling grease upon her.
