Feeling Strange

Story by Keahi19

Disclaimer: This story is based on a bad rewrite to a manga and I do not own nor do I profess to own the rights or tribulations on the original idea of a female attempt to overtake society and make girls into hermaphrodites. That is the manga's rewrite and I have not only used their science, but the original scene.

That being said, it is not exactly the same as I not only own the main charecter (Who is based on myself and therefore is impossible to be copyrights because no one owns me, but me. And my friend owns himself.) Therefore any statements that it is "Exactly the Same" will be subsequently squashed as spurious.

While those who read the first two chapters may say it's very similar, this is intentional, I am not writing a totally 100% original peice, but expanding on something that has been extremelly underrepresented. The process. Usually on these issues the process is left out for male bashing, or for a failure of the system. This story is to eleviate and to open a whole new side. MY CHARECTER IS 100% MINE!! This world while started by a manga is also developing in later chapters as uniquely my own. I am neither making money, or a living from this story. Therefore I invite all those who wish to get through the first citated part of the story for my own unique take, then enjoy. For those who just want to not even read the whole way and accuse me of plagerism. Get out of my thread please. Now for all new readers, than you and we will begin: Feeling Strange.

Disclaimer: THis does have loli in it, this is a story and therefore not a fantasy or anything of mine, but part of the literary work. All charecters are fictional and any link to any real person are unintentional and coinicidental. Therefore remember its a work of fiction. Okie enough legal stuff, here is the stories.

And this is for ALL stories. Not just the ones directly underneath this warning.

I would also like to add that neither the author, nor anyone else here says that genocide, or gendercide are good or anything else. In fact the story will end that will show that the fanatics of either side are clearly wrong. Only by combining together can men or women truly succeed. That's the message at the end of this story, and no matter what you should know that's where it's headed. It just needs to get through some dark roads to get to the sun. Because it's literary. It is not fact, nor is it meant to say that it's what should really happen. I repeat not what should really happen. It's a way of getting somewhere.

Feeling Strange Chapter 1:

I let out one long yawn as I walked towards school. It's sort of a long walk in winter, and being forced into a school uniform isn't something you want to wear. It's been a much colder year than normal, so the jackets and scarves don't exactly keep me warm enough. I held my arms tightly to myself as best I could while keeping an arm on my backpack.

The wind picked up a fe