My story

Story by jafeir

I still don't have name for it but as I said before here is the first chapter. Just a friendly warning this story will not have sex in every scene,my story will actually have a plot to it. But it does get pretty provacative after this chapter. Anyway if you read my first topic you'll know what it's about so I won't explain.

Chapter 1 pt1


The sky was dark, but slowly changed colors as the sun rose. Sunlight spe Keichi rose from the alleyway where he slept. His movement awakened the cat that slept soundly beside him, stretching her back and yawning the cat began to brush against the boys’ leg.

"Yuki" Keichi said "It’s time to go"

He walked off with the cat at his heels. Moving on to their next destination. Wherever the wind took them.

"I don’t know where we’re going Yuki" Keichi said to the cat "But I guess that’s just the life of a drifter, going from place to place only knowing where it is you’re going when you get there"

The cat meowed happily in response and jumped on her masters’ shoulder. He stroked her head a few times before jumping off the bridge they were walking on. He gracefully landed on his feet and continued walking, following the riverbed to the next town.


Keigo snapped his notebook shut "That’s a great ending to the next chapter" he thought to himself putting his pen back into his pocket. Keigo stared outside the window of the bus he was riding "I’m almost there" he said to himself. "I can’t wait to see them".

Keigo was a sixteen year old boy. He had short unkempt black hair, and wore square black rimmed glasses. Though he was well into his teenage years, he was very short for his age. So he was often mistaken for being younger than he was. Which irritated him to no ends.

He ran his hand over the smooth surface of his notebook ."All this time and I still can’t come up with a name for this story" he thought. "I guess one will come to me later" he thought slipping the notebook into his backpack.

He reached back into his backpack and pulled a fairly old photograph from the inside cover of his notebook. It was of a young woman and two boys. Though they were the same age, one boy was slightly taller than the other, and was tightly hugging the shorter boy from behind. "Aunt Hinako and Itsuki" he thought "It’s been eight years, I can’t wait to see you both again".

He yawned and began to lean to the side on the window "I wonder if they’ll even remember me" he thought

He had been living in America with his grandparents, so when they had suggested that they send him to live with his aunt and cousin he jumped at the chance. He gazed through the window, watching the trees quickly zip by the bus as the speed of vehicle increased. As his surroundings quickly passed him by, he began to feel drowsy. And after a few more minutes, he quietly drifted off to sleep.