Looking for story about a Futa Conspiracy

Story by craigp18

I’m a long time reader. First time poster.

The story I’m looking for followed a group of Futas that had escaped from a secret cabal or lab and wanted to live normal lifes.  It had to have been written before 2019. I have been trying to brute force my way through all the story threads from that time period.

Each Futa had a unique “power”  and the story was at least five or six chapters. 

I remember some of the story. 

One of the Futas was designed in the lab to build muscles easily, and her adoptive father owned a gym.

Another Futa was designed to seduce and impregnate women and had been described as being able to infiltrate a country and build an army. She ended up walking into a mafia compound and taking over

That’s all I remember. I’ve tried every search pattern I can think of based off of that.


Muscle, muscle growth 

Breed, breeder, harem, fertile, fertility, pregnancy, pregnant, impreg etc

One of the side characters had silver hair, I gave the terms silver & silver hair a try

Compound, mafia, mobster mob boss

Any ideas? I’m fairly certain I read this here