Do you have nothing else to do? I've got short, dumb stories.

Story by Elimination Idol

Well, since I'm officially no longer a lurker, I guess should contribute something.

Here are a couple stupid, short stories that I hope you find entertaining. Just don't hold any high standards. Pretty please with sugar on top.

After staring for an hour at Alison’s hand, the fortune-teller finally looked up and said, “I’m sorry. You have indeed been cursed to become a werefuta. You must restrain yourself on the night of the full moon, or else you will go around raping everyone.”

Alison couldn’t believe it. “Wait, isn’t that tonight?”

“Well you shouldn’t have taken so long to come see me,” answered the fortune-teller with disdain. “If you had come sooner, I could’ve sold you some handcuffs made of solid silver. But I don’t keep merchandise that valuable on stock.”

That evening, Alison was walking through the park. She still fuming over how that fortune-teller was trying to scare her into buying some stupid, expensive junk.

Suddenly, she didn’t feel so good. She looked-up at the night sky. The clouds parted to reveal the full moon.

Just like that, Alison started to change. She could feel pain all over her body. She couldn’t believe the fortune-teller was right. She started to get bigger, and her clothes slowly ripped at the seams.

As suddenly as they began, the changes stopped. Alison used all of her willpower to look down at her crotch. That was definitely a penis poking out down there.

She heard someone coming. She hid behind the shrubs, waiting for the right time to surprise her first victim. What luck. It was her friend Rebecca.

Alison jumped out. Rebecca screamed. “Oh my god! A monster!”

Alison growled seductively, “What, just because I have a dick?”

Rebecca blinked. “You do? Damn, I was distracted by all the hair on your face.”

**brushes tomatoes off self**

Well, maybe this second one will be better received. Then again, it does contain futa on male.

Stacy walked to a public swimming pool. She was about to relieve Julia, her futa friend, of lifeguard duty for the day.

When Stacy arrived, she was surprised to discover Julia having anal sex with some strange man. Every time she thrust in, he seemed to cough out some water.

In a shocked voice, she shouted “Julia! What the fuck is going on?”

Julia answered, “This man **Huff** slipped and **Huff** fell in. **Huff** He took a **Huff** lot of water **Huff** in his lungs.”

“Well, couldn’t you just give him mouth to mouth?!”

“I tried that. **Huff** How do you **Huff** think this **Huff** got started?”

**get dragged off stage, kicking and screaming**

You haven't heard the last from me! I'll make you all pay!