Club 13 - André(e) tells all!

Story by Igatona

Well, not exactly all... but in due time, s/he will. This is how s/he came to the club. Contains light sexual content this time. The rest will be almost all sex.

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Club 13 РAndr̩(e) Introduces the Club

By Igatona

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My name is André(e) Tremblay. Yes, with the extra “e” sometimes. You see, I've been afflicted... Yeah, that's the right word... although now it brings me far more pleasure and money than I ever thought possible. It was still an affliction because I definitely saw some bad times in my life due to this. My affliction is this : I turn into a girl with a penis at random intervals. The Japanese have a word I find quite pleasing to the ears even though I have no idea what it means : A futanari. I tried to see if, for me, it was like werewolves (who don't exist other than some furries who believe they're werewolves and some of them are pretty convincing.) It wasn't timed to anything precise... It really is random as far as I know. The only two times I can definitely say that I actually controlled it was my first fuck (with the high school slut – more on that later, because she's actually important to the story) and when I frequent Club 13.

The founder of the club, a certain Antoine Yates, who founded the club a mere five years ago, after marrying a futa with a quite large cock (almost 17 inches long, to the inch – not the largest cock recorded in the short history of the club, but still a pretty hefty thing. Because she's just on the edge of seventeen, we call her Nicks) wanted her to be happy, and those of her kind, no matter the origin of their futa-ness. He's still fighting for our gender's acceptance, and the Club is just something on the side, hidden from the view of the world for good enough reasons that I will explain shortly.

On the front, Club 13 is just a normal dance club, that serve drinks until three o'clock in the morning, and then closes down the bar for the people coming in for the after-hours. The music selection is far more decent than I care to admit (myself, I only go to the back part of the club.) In terms of security, it's handled by a crack (pun intended) team of France “Sonja” Hubert, and Matt “Criminal” Traverse.

France is a monster of a woman, hence why we call her by one of the most well known female barbarians in fiction. A little under six feet, she weighs 320 pounds of pure muscle, without steroids. Her body is the result of years after years after years of a high protein, low carb diet, and of intense training. I wouldn't doubt it if she could equal Ted Arcidi's feat of bench pressing 700 pounds.

Matt got his name because he spent time in jail. As an openly homosexual convict, a lot of people would rightly assumed he would “willingly” drop the soap. It's a fact that he sent a whole lot of criminals to the infirmary, while he went to solitary. It took him 5 years to purge his sentence, and now is the most feared, and yet the mos