Ideas For Futanari Remakes Of Films/Movies
Story by Mr.Ziggles
Wow, it's been a while since I've been back on this site. I'm not sure if this is the right section to write this in, but this is the best place I know to find fellow futanari fans. I was thinking of making an interactive story on or where you could choose a movie and have it rewritten to where a a female is secretly hiding a huge cock between their legs. I like the idea of a movie going on as it normally does until a character is revealed to be a futa and then the movie turns into an erotic futa film. The only problem is I'm not sure which movies to use. So if I could get some suggestions on what movies people would like to see become a futa porn story, leave it here. Let me know if this is something you'd like to read or if this is just a dumb idea.