Blue Mind, the Doujin, Runeless. Part 2!

Story by Runeless


Just in time for the holidays- a sexual treat!

Less plot this time, more hot AyanexKasumi Alpha fucking.

...Why do I get the feeling this one's gonna be more popular than the first installment? :)

And thanks to all of you who commented on the last one- the comments were sweet!

Blue Mind


Part the Second

The kiss was something special for Alpha, something very, very special indeed. Alpha, who had spent most of her life trying to kill someone or running from someone trying to kill her, had never been kissed before; had never felt what it was like to have someone's warm, wet mouth overtop her own. Ayane tasted rough, of scabs and hard places, her lpis as scarred as the rest of her. Alpha's hands wandered as they kissed, and she found places here, scratches there, where the life Ayane had led made her tough and strong. In that moment, Alpha- whose thinking was admittedly blurred by sheer euphoria and the recent giant orgasm- thought she felt absolutely heavenly.

For her part, Ayane thought that Alpha tasted... sweet, actually, her lips without a single crack to dull their smoothness. Ayane's own lips were prone to cracking, particularly in the cold, because when she was young she'd never been able to protect them from dry weather at all- it's hard to think of getting chapstick when you were busy trying to feed your starving form- and the weakness had carried over into her adult life. Alpha, though, hadn't been alive for a year yet; her lips were soft and perfect as a newborn's.

The kiss was all lips, no tongue; Ayane didn't think Alpha would be ready for that yet and Alpha hadn't even considered the possibilites of using her tongue.

Hell, ten minutes ago she wouldn't have considered the possibility of sex, much less intimate kissing.

So a minute into that, they pulled back for air; Alpha's heart was still beating a steady rhythm in her chest and Ayane's was starting to pick up speed. Ayane hadn't really thought this far ahead, had only wanted to give something to someone so utterly broken and as devastated as Ayane had once been, but her mind was already seeing profit in what she'd just done....

And what had she done? She'd gained a lover. Not a sex partner, a lover. After all, Ayane was still outcast, after all this time; still the bastard child, to so many people. Nobody had ever loved her. She'd only had sex twice, once just to be able to claim she wasn't a virgin anymore and that someone would touch the bastard child; the other time was to convince a man to drop his guard so she could kill him. Neither had been very intimate moments.

There was that one person, her mind thought, and maybe they loved you, but Ayane refused to listen to it. That person, that moment, that memory, was dead.

In the here and now, though? There was someone alive. Alpha. Alpha would be Ayane's, forever, if Ayane did this right.

She had no intention of doing it wrong.