Naruko's Adventures. (Naruto fandom)

Story by Fyberness

Well, I thought I'd try my hand at writing a futa story in the Naruto fandom. Mind you, this is a very short prologue (no action, sorry to dissappoint). And I'd like to probe the waters for possible interest. Most likely will involve most of the Naruto female cast.

Please add any comments you like, constructive preferred, but eh. Any ideas or requests will definitely be considered.

Well, without further ado:

Naruko's Adventures


Sakura's eyebrow twitched violently, almost seeming to want to jump off of her forehead and strangle the cause of her irritation. That, however, would defeat the purpose of Naruto coming to her in the first place, in a private examination room. Even going so far as to lock it from the inside as soon as the two of them stepped inside.

“Naruto...” She managed to growl in a menacing tone. “I told you...”

“I know! I know!” Naruto squeaked, bright blue eyes frantic, and hands frantically trying to wave off an impending Sakura-tantrum. ”But, I need your help!”

And needed it he did. Or rather... she.

Still dressed in his orange ensemble, which, Sakura had to admit, was now tastefully splashed with black in all the right places, Naruto didn't quite fill it out as he had used to. Perhaps she did. In all the wrong places, though.

With herculean effort, Sakura managed to get a grip on a veritable sonic explosion that threatened to spill from her mouth. “I told you not to use that perverted technique with me around! Or at all! EVER!” She seethed and swept her pink bangs from her eyes to drill a heated glare right into Naruto's skull.

“I know!” He, er... she repeated. Naruto's voice had changed as much as his appearance. Only a day before it had been coming into its own, deepening, no longer the audible torture Sakura remembered. It had been turned to velvet tones, which might have been soothing to listen to if not for Naruto's current panicked state.

“What. The hell. Happened.” His team-mate managed to spit out.

Naruto shrugged helplessly, his new additions to his... her... chest not really aiding with their resulting bouncing. “It's embarrassing...”

“THOSE are embarrassing, Naruto!” Sakura jabbed her index-fingers at the no-longer-boy's chest. 'Kami-sama, they're bigger than mine! THERE IS NO JUSTICE IN THE WORLD DAMNIT!' Her inner-self screamed and let out a flurry of punches.

Naruto lowered her eyes, unable to rebuke the statement, and nibbled on her lower lip. To Sakura's horror, Naruto actually started sniffling.

'What the hell?!'

Naruto sniffed once more and put her smaller than normal fists to her eyes.

“H-hey, you're not going to cry, a-are you?” Sakura stammered, reaching out but stopping halfway, her hands unsure, like the rest of her, on how to proceed.

“I-I'm s-sorry!” Naruto blurted out, her long twin pigtails trembling along with the rest of her body. “I f-feel