A Wet Recovery ^_^ (updated :D)

Story by Beatrix

It's done \^_^/ I hope you all like it, it's less fast-paced than the previous chapter but it has new characters in it ;)

Chapter 5 - A Wet Recovery


Part 1 (out of 3)


Yuki walked towards the doctor's office again, she'd been going there every few days since the incident two weeks ago. In that time the wound on her arm had been recovering neatly and today was supposed to be the last check-up, her arm was still in a sling but it didn't really serve much of a purpose anymore. Walking up the door she knocked with her other arm.

"Come in," came the doctor's reply so Yuki opened the door and entered the office. She'd been in here so much lately that she knew the place by heart. Atai was sitting at her desk as usual but got up as Yuki came in.

"So how is your arm today?", she asked matter-of-factly.

"The same as yesterday just a bit better," replied Yuki cheekily. She'd been giving that answer the last three times she'd been in here too. "Seriously though, it doesn't hurt anymore. I think it's healed," she added.

"Well I'll be the judge of that," Atai said as she motioned her to sit down. Yuki sat on one of the beds and carefully took her arm out of the sling and rolled up the sleeve. Atai looked at the top of her forearm, a small scar was located about halfway. It didn't look like much but Yuki had found out the hard way that the cut had been deep enough to hinder the use of that arm a lot.

"Still no signs of infection, that's good. Can you make a fist please," said the doctor. Yuki obliged, Atai had explained to her earlier that the muscles of the fingers extend into the lower arm so making a fist tests the muscles that were damaged. "No pain or stress when you do that?", asked Atai still looking at Yuki's arm.

"Nope, it feels pretty much like it used to," answered Yuki.

"It isn't the same though, it's still recovering. But it's no longer so sensitive that you have to walk around with a sling, in fact you should probably give it some more exercise to encourage the recovery," said Atai as she removed Yuki's sling and put it next to her on the table. Yuki was glad to get rid of it, it had been annoying to suddenly get so much attention.

Everybody had wanted to know what had happened, most of them were just looking for a gruesome story but there were those that seemed concerned about her. This had surprised Yuki, she'd though that only Uzume would have been supportive of her, and Shizuka too of course but that was different.

She didn't mind lying to the people that just wanted the gossip, she had a made up story ready of how she was grazed by a passing car on the way home. She felt bad about using that lie on the people that really seemed concerned about her, but she couldn't tell them what had really happened. That would stay between herself, Uzume, Shizuka, the doctor and a certain Geography teacher who had gone into early retirement f