Hunter 56

Story by recoil23

Ok First of all I'm new at writing erotica so you probably won't see alot of it. Plus what you will see will most likely contain Male/Futa and Futa/Male. I write mostly action adventure tye tales and suspense This is a story I was working on but I though I would see how it goes over with an audience. The Future Earth 2 after centuries of abuse Earth could no longer sustain human life as a last resort man went to the stars and found a new home Earth 2. Nearly a thousand years later They were conquered any who opposed were sent to prison Colonies this story is about one of those Prisoners.


I'mRobert Pulse I as nothing more than a man that ended up with the wrong crowd at the wrong time. That didn't matter to them. Now I have no name and no family I'm only known as Prisoner 56. I spend my days mining ore for the Dokar. The race that have taken my people as subjects. I never cared before this, my life didn't change until Frank brought me to that meeting. If I had known it was a rebel meeting I would have never went and I wouldn't have been caught in the raid. But here I was...

"56 COME!" Sargent Triel commands I have act like I don't hear her big mistake. "I SIAD COME!" she screams hitting me with her club knocking me down... If I was smart I'd stay down.

"Sorry Ma'am... didn't catch that..." I reply strugging to rise only to get hit again.

"56... Why do you nake me play this game everyday?" she asks "You know your one of my favorites." she coos

"Lucky me...." cough struggling to rise

"Rily... Help 56 to the box..." Triel says smiling I hate that smile... Under normal circumstances I would have found her quite lovely...

"You shouldn't do this to yourself." Guard Rily tells me. "You can't handle this abuse your people aren't as strong as ours." I honestly think she may care... Could be the pain though. She puts me in the box. Like the name implies it's a box like room you can't stand and you can't stretch out. No windows one door I'm starting to like it...

"Yer too good to me Rily..." I croak before the door closes. This place the guards have there way with anyone they want... I haven't had that happen yet. You might be thinking hot babe having there way with you? Awesome not when they all pack 12 inches or better. Yep the Doken have evolved pass the need for two sexes and Males are a rare treat... Hurray... I know my time is coming but yet I can't bring myself to be broken like the rest... No I have to keep fighting even if it is futile.... Though if I ever see Frank again... I'm gonna kill him.


Wardens office

"Sargent Triel reporting Ma'am!" Triel states.

"Are you still having troubles with it?" Warden Gaia asks

"Yes he continues to resist." Triel replies looking at the floor

"I see... Perhaps he can be useful still." Gaia states

"How so?"

"We make an example of him... Call Payne" she tells Triel

"You can't mean to torture him