Leslie's Story Challenge

Story by Fire Fly

*gasp* I've never done one of these before :) Well I was prowling around deviantart.com *my haven* When I came upon a series of pics with a short caption for each of them. Male to futa transformations are some of my favorites :8:


Here we see LoveBunny 001 taking a short break from her daily routine of prepping more victims for conversion. Daydreaming for a few moments about more enjoyable tasks, while the new girl's whimpers and pleadings fall on unconcerned ears, she watches the poor thing squirming in the restrictive rubber sack. Soon she would be just like her friend LoveBunny 022 there on the right...squeaky and shiny and eager to start her new life as a "LoveBunny Erotic Companion" for her new owner. Granted, the slinky rubber bunny suit and mind-altering gas has made it impossible for her to resist anyway. LB001 knew they were better off

this way, and never felt sorry for the people they'd kidnap and bring to her for conversion, since she knew there was more freedom in mindless rubber bunny servitude then one could ever have in the outside world. Then again, LB001 was the initial subject to go through the process, so all that she knew and was, is as they programmed her to be. Just as LB022 is, and soon-to-be LB023 would be."


"Far from being devoid of compassion, LoveBunny001 takes a moment to comfort the poor sedated girl before strapping the mask on her. Telling her how all of her worries and fears will melt away once she's felt the sweet embrace of the bunny mask, and taken in the intoxicating scent wafting from the hoses attached to it. She'll feel SO much better, and quite happy, soon enough... LoveBunnies are always happy... the mind-altering gas makes sure of that. Despite the calming words, the poor dear still pleaded in vain, until the cute bunny mask was strapped on tight, and the sweet fragrance carried her off to a dreamy little happy place just as LB001 promised her it would..."


"With LoveBunny023 settled into the conversion

process, LB001 turns her attention to the newly minted LB022 squeaking

on the

floor. She helps the poor dear up, and gets her all cleaned up and

disconnected from the bunny mask. Not much left to do but brush her


out pretty, and paint her face in permanent bunny make-up, before

sending LB022 off to the packaging and shipping group for delivery to


new owner. We see LB001 here looking over her paintwork, making sure

her new "sister" looks her bunny-best, as LB022 giggles and fidgets

and chatters on about how she can't wait to serve and play. So


eager and clueless...the conversion process has indeed yielded

another sparkling success."
