Trio of Lovers Chapter 2

Story by Cian Triumph

Okay, so I'm done with the second chapter. Going to try and do this weekly but don't hold me to it. I'm really kinda unsure about how this one turned was pretty hard to write. The next one will hopefully be easier (and much longer) but I don't know.

Chapter 2: The First Date

---Friday, exactly one week after the events of Chapter 1--

For a guy who'd been handed the two biggest shocks of his life almost simulataneously (one being that the girl he'd been in love with for so long was in love with him, and two being that girl had a very, very large cock), Sage was surprisingly cheerful. It almost seemed like he was floating on air as he walked through the hallways of the high school. Even his normally frightening demeanor had gone. ...Well, at least it wasn't *so* frightening anymore. This disturbed even Mikami, who'd asked him before he left her house exactly why he hadn't run off screaming at the sight of her "true" self. Sage's response was, like so much else he did and said, incredibly simple.

"Why? I've known you since we were kids. I've been in love with you for three years. You're the only girl that even comes *close* to understanding me. Only a total moron would know all that and then leave just because you were a little more "special" than I already knew you were," he replied, then kissed her on the cheek before leaving. And before then she would've thought it impossible to become even *more* in love with him.

Of course, becoming a "happier" guy wasn't the only way he'd changed. More and more the teen found it harder to enjoy his daily "naps" in classes. No matter how hard he'd tried his eyes couldn't stay closed. After the second day he realized it was no use and began doing various things to occupy his time. Wednesday, he tried paying attention in class. The result could only be defined as hilarious after the teacher noticed he was *actually* copying notes from the overhead. She nearly fainted and devoted the rest of the class period to making jokes about him finally learning the benefits of paying attention in class.

....By the time he'd arrived in his second class he'd decided it was best to never try that again. Not that he would've done so in that one anyway--no, that was the one he shared with Mikami. His time there, once spent happily snoozing next to his best friend and crush, was now devoted to doodling comics for her. His first comic was a lengthy erotic work in which he detailed their "first time" together. Upon showing it to Mikami, she promptly smacked him for drawing something like it in the middle of class, then proceeded to give him a warm kiss and told him she would treasure it forever.

By Friday, Sage had finally settled into a routine of bringing his mp3 player and random comics to school with him to keep himself busy, only putting them away long enough to finish quizzes, tests, and any inane