Reclamation - After The Fall II

Story by Theromen

Heya folks I know its been a while but I have something on the burner and I wanted to get some opinions and feed back for a new story

I've been working on. Spotting out type O's and word doubles would be a bonus as well for those that look for such things. As usual if ya like it

throw me a hollar. Btw this is only chapter one. I'm still working on chapter two and building the arc for the third. :D

Story in PDF format:


The fall






The earth had changed. It wasn’t the place it used to be. It was still present in the sense that people lived on it as did animals and plants, but it was not wholly complete anymore. The devastation after the fall was enormous. There was no hail of nuclear bombs, weapons of mass destruction, or even plague of bio-engineered death.

To be sure there were some bombs that went off. Big ones blew up at possibly the worst times. However, there was no nuclear or biological war. The terror inspired by those events pretty much stopped that from happening, but when people get hungry they do unpredictable things.

When the food stopped coming into the cities, when public services failed and the government went silent people began to panic. Nothing quite like a panicky animal armed with a few guns and a home made explosive or two. Combined with the sudden wave of mass paranoia as people became unsure of who they were dealing with. Whether they were an old friend a relative, spouse, their own child didn’t matter because perhaps…they could be one of them.

The word Them suddenly became a word with a dark connotation. Them referred to the ones that changed after the fall. You didn’t know who they were half of the time. They could be anyone. All anyone knew was that after the fall people were being switched around, or so it was believed. It was as if minds were being swapped between bodies and it didn’t matter it seemed what color the person was, what sex they were, or their nationality or sexual orientation.

What made it all the worse was that there were those looking up into the night sky on the eve of the fall. What those people claimed to have seen defied the laws of reality for some. Some said there were UFO like things there high up in the sky shining their blue white lights down on the world. Some claimed they saw people falling in the lights, tiny silvery, bright white, people silhouettes. They claimed they saw thousands of them, just floating down on those strange blue white rays of light. Well, that pretty much had the affect expected.

People everywhere were fearing a pod person type invasion. What they got in stead they believed was more insidious. As loved ones suddenly shifted bodies it seemed overnight. It took time for everyone to realize though the changes were very specific. Unfortunately there were accidents during this time. Frightened people maimed or outright killed what they believed were strangers roaming around in their homes. The strangers turned out to be children, sons, daughters, husbands and wives that were affected by the change.

Not everyone changed. There were just a lot that were affected by it. It seemed that the bodies of men all around the world were somehow transformed into very feminine opposites. Then there were the women. Some women were apparently converted into men whole and complete, while others weren’t changed much at all. The change that became very evident was the presence of their new libido.

Needless to say panic followed once more, and one upheaval was one too many in so short a time span. What remained of the government crumbled in the space of about a week. All social services stopped completely after that. There was suddenly no water, sewage, natural gas, or other utility we all came to rely on. There was suddenly no more gasoline. And little by little each and every town or city either became its own self sufficient little fife amongst the chaos, or its inhabitants either moved on or died off.

What people didn’t understand was how it could all happen so fast. They didn’t understand that it was sheer logistics of numbers and out of control hysteria. Women were in just about every industry or branch of government or military service as it was already. After the fall they out numbered men by an easy five to one ratio world wide and combined with their new strength that made

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