Papillon (F/F, Futa/F, Futa/Futa, Transformation, BM, BE, Preg, lact)

Story by siePh5li

Hey. First time author here. Please be gentle with your criticism. ;)

I was broke, yet again. My landlord was charging me an almost extortionate rent for a tiny room in a run-down house. My job doing secretary work was awful and paid far too little, especially for the many hours i worked. It kept me too busy to go look for cheaper, or lacking that at least better rooming, or to go search for better work.

Not that i was qualified for better work, mind you. My mother had fled with me to the UK when i was a baby. My father had apparently grown so violent that she was afraid for our lives. Since we had never heard of him again, i guess she was successful in her flight. My maternal grandparents had apparently never forgiven her for wedding "that lout", and had broken off all contact long before my birth. She never directly talked about my father's parents but i got the impression that they were worse than him.

As a result my mother had to work long and hard hours to make a living, and there was no money for luxuries let alone for me to continue schooling after I got my GCSEs. I joined the workforce doing menial work and gradually got into light office work.

This led me to my current predicament. My little old car had broken down, and now I had enough money to either pay rent or repair my car. The next payday was far away and again insufficient to cover both, and without my car I could not get to work.

With a heavy heart and seeing no other way out I had decided that I would have to take part in a pornographic movie again. I had had to do that once before when my mother had sudden fallen ill last year, and I had to shoulder her medical bills.

Maybe I should describe myself, so you know why I was sure i would get a part.

I am Jennifer, a 25-year old virgin. My mother is native american while my father is puerto-rican. I am naturally tan with a slight reddish hue. People always compliment me on my "beautiful" face, but I know they are only mocking me.

My long black hair reaches down to my buttocks, falling past my narrow waist to my wide hips. I am cursed with large, firm breasts. The 32G bra i wear is horribly constricting and makes it difficult to breathe, but I can not afford to buy bigger ones. My breasts ache something fierce when I take off my bras in the evenings.

I hated my breasts, they had only ever gotten me the wrong kind of attention. The constant leering stares, the fumbling gropes, the innappropriate comments and the wolf whistles by men - sometimes even women - when I passed them on the street humiliated me horribly. I always wished I had small breasts so i could escape the constant stares.

I had insisted that the movie I take part in was with another woman, like last year's. The thought of some man groping me was unbearable. They told me that iIwould be paid far less if I did not let a man rut me but they could not sway me.

The only sexual contact I had ever had with another person had been the movie I had done last year. The woman had been nice, if not overly bright or pretty. At least she had aquiesced to my wish not to penetrate my vagina, as i was still intact.

When she had started licking and sucking on my embarassingly long and thick nipples I had felt myself take a back seat to some primal instinct in my head. I had grown increasingly loud and vocal the longer she stimulated me.

When I suddenly started groping her breasts and then proceeded to lick and suck at her nipples it frightened me to no end, but i simply could not stop myself.

Soon she flipped me off her and ripped off my panties, pulling her own to the side. She settled her crotch over my face which I, to my own secret horror, attacked with fervor immediately. She cooed when she noticed my grossly oversized clitoris, and proceeded to lick and suck on the fingertip-sized organ.

I always had to wear sanitary pads because of the cursed thing. The hood never covered it completely and the stimulation it received always caused me to leak copiously.

Her actions led to me howling out loudly in climax in short order. The inner me was horrified by this uncouth display, but whatever had taken over my actions did not let me display my reticence. When the woman wetted a finger in my abundant oils and proceeded to press it into my backside everything was over. The world went white and I knew no more.

When I woke up I had a bottle of water lying next to me. My mouth and throat were dry and I felt I had screamed myself hoarse. I cleaned myself up as fast as I could, took the money - they told me I had been given a bonus - and ran home, locking myself in.

I felt that the only good that came from that episode of my life was that my mother had made a complete recovery.

Only days after that incident, I attempted to masturbate for the first time in my life. The slightest stimulation to my clitoris caused me to get loud immediately. Nothing I tried to silence myself worked. I would spit out any objects like pillows

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