Camp of Blessing [F/ W, Succubus, Transform, Huge Cock, Excessive cum, Nuns]

Story by Kristanna Griefshire

Bellow is my story, I decided to start it casually and it has turned into a rather big story I work on and off fora years now. It's not a work of art but I think it can be cool, I had fun writing and will continue to do so.

If you have constructive feedback please post, english is not my first language so you will likely find problems, just point them out in a PM to me if you feel like it. Let me know if you have any suggestions of where to take the story and such, anything helps. If you get bored with the background and story parts and just want quick sex scenes well... wrong story for you. There will be sex but I certainly don't intend to run over the plot for it, the story will progress as I think it should.

I also often revisit the story and re-write some parts, this is all a learning process for me, practicing my English writing skills and getting better as I go.



The toothbrush fell to the floor once again, followed by a grumpy mumble from Kristanna “Ahh… crap”. The girl bent down to grab it rather lazily, her shoulder length, blood red hair falling casually on her face with her movement but quickly returning to it’s position as she stood back up looking at herself in the mirror. She had the lazy morning face on, eye lids half down covering her sea green eyes partially, her red lips covered in toothpaste foam. She washed the brush after picking it up and continued to lazily brush her teeth trying to wake herself up in the process.

Kristanna was sixteen now, well, seventeen by tomorrow but still technically sixteen. As she moved her arms her generous E cup breasts jiggled left and right under her loose pajamas, soft and heavy and yet extremely firm. She thought about how today was going to play out: classes, dodging the boys, being social and blending in etc. She was almost done with school and she couldn't wait to finally be free to explore the world, see things and people. She had no idea of how she was gonna do that exactly but her heart hungered for more than the life she currently had, selfishly of course, she was a teenager after all.

She knew how lucky she had been to have been adopted by the Smiths, the family she had been living with for the last five years. Kristanna had fled her first home for reasons she never talked about, perhaps not even with herself in her own mind. But with no place to go as a young teenager she found herself abandoned in the street and thrown into a government institution within a few weeks. It was then that the Smith family adopted her, luckily before she had been at the institution for too long. They were a very generous family, deeply Christian and religious they gave Kristanna a second chance out of the goodness of their hearts. She now had a sister called Sarah who was two years younger than she, and parents that loved her and treated her as a daughter.

The Smiths were far from the perfect family of course, they practically forced Kristanna to go to church and follow their traditions every day, traditions she was never used to. Nevertheless she accepted them, it was the minimum she could do to repay their kindness on adopting a 13 year old overdeveloped kid. Even as 13 Kristanna’s body was already well developed, she could easily be mistaken for a 16 years old girl or older, she could have ended up on the hands of some kind of sexual criminal for all she knew, instead she got the Smiths. They were never violent or openly forced the two sisters to do anything, but sensible minds could feel that there was a veil of threat on their every statement whenever the kids would “misbehave”. Not directly from them one could argue, but from Jesus of course. It wasn't Peter Smith or Amanda Smith that did not approve of her behavior, it was Jesus, the son of God, creator of the universe. Amanda and Peter were mere messengers, or so they believed. Kristanna never argued of course, but deep inside she felt somehow imprisoned, living the life they wished for her and not her own.

God forbid they found out her secret..., Kristanna honestly believed that they would likely resurrect the inquisition and burn her at the stake. She had been a hermaphrodite since birth and possessed both male and female sexual organs. Apart from her extra appendage she looked like a woman, in fact her body was overly feminine with round curves, wide hips and heavy but perky breasts that caused a lot of envy on her classmates. She had a beautiful face and complexion, excellent skin and hair even without using too many cosmetic products or make up. All this time she had been careful, and the Smiths had no clue of her unusual anatomy, but

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