Borderlands Futa Story: The New-U!

Story by Fusion_Fool

I did something new, dood.

“Come on, little one! Time to die!” cried the insane engineer called Hyperious, sending out a lethal shock wave upon pounding the ground. His opponents were crafty to say the least, and increasingly annoying on how the Siren would phase lock all his robots to gather around him tightly, or the commando's nuclear turret. As he chased after the commando, jealousy consumed him as the mechromancer's robot soared through the sky, slashing at him with digistruct claws and causing explosions everywhere it goes, he wanted his robots to do that. The rage he felt for the flying torso of destruction kept him too occupied to notice the bloodthirsty psychopath ripping through the flesh in his back with that buzzax of his.

“Axton, the shields are going back up,” Maya called out. The commando nodded and began firing upon the robots to shut them down. Gaige kept firing wildly at oversized engineer, grinning like a sociopath as she does it, despite the fact that most of her bullets have been hellbent on refusing to hit anything. Krieg continued his melee assault on Hyperious' ass. “I'M GOING TO EAT URANUS!” The Psycho screamed, flailing his axe with some degree of skill.

Hyperious launched another destructive wave, crippling the unaware Mechromancer. “God dammit!”

“I can't Phase lock right now, someone help her up!” Maya ordered.

Krieg quickly turned and ran for Gaige, “Duck, duck...” he muttered as her ran for the fallen mechromancer. Upon reaching her he reached out his hand and threw her onto her feet. “GOOOSE!”

“Thanks,” Gaige said, going to return the favour for large man. It was bad timing for both as another shock wave hit them, crippling the little girl once again. “God motherfucking dammit!” She screamed, trying to kill one of the robots to gain a second wind.

“Relax, we almost got him,” Axton called out, setting down his sabre turret once again. Maya's ECHO device notified her that her Phaselock was ready, but it was too late for Krieg.

The New-U outside of the battlefield sparked to life, revitalizing the Psycho. But as he appeared he was pissed. “I'LL USE YOUR SISTER'S SKULL AS A URINAL, WRATH SPOONGE.” He then kicked the New-U machine, causing it to flicker on and off.

Hyperious became enraged shortly after, and began charging after Axton, only for his attention to be caught by Deathtrap once again. The Vault Hunters were almost finished with this invincible, they could practically taste the loot. “RAW RAW, EAT HIS SOUL AND SHIT HIS STUPID SPIRIT OUT! GO TEAM POOP TRAIN!” A grave mistake that cost Gaige her life as she began to laugh at Krieg's cheer, after being hit by several rockets. No one was able to save her form her current fate, so she was forced to respawn.

The New-U sparked