Trio of Lovers Chapter 1 (Light Futa/Male)

Story by Cian Triumph

Here's that futa/male story I said I'd do. Somehow inspiration hit me and I started writing about 3 this morning and kept at it whenever I was home. Just finished five minutes ago.

Trio of Lovers

Chapter 1: Love Can't Be Stopped. (Or if that's too corny, The Introduction.)

Author's Note:

Okay, this is my first serious attempt at a futa/male story that I hope actually goes somewhere and is of decently good quality. Before I begin, I'd like to point out that I already know I used the same name as my user name for the main male. That said, its a total bitch for me to think up any sort of guy names and its the only one I thought of that was:

A.) Male, without being masculine.

B.) Not already attached to a face.

As you can imagine, the sex scenes get hard to write when the guy the futa is plowing into happens to have the same face in your head as some kid you knew in school. (Blech.) If anyone has a better suggestion for the name, feel free to toss it in, but know that rules A and B still apply so if it doesn't pass both I'll toss it out. If that doesn't work for you, well you can always copy the story into a text file, save it and replace every mention of the word "Sage" with the name of your choice. :) So, with all that said, let the story begin!

Author's Note 2: I hate the term "African American" but I couldn't figure out any other way to point out that he was black (which I felt was a nice change of pace compared to...well....pretty nearly ANY story) than to use it. "Black" just sounded....too low-brow? Oh well. Used once and then done.

Author's Note 3: I know, the name doesn't fit. Just be patient. Presuming I get to the next few chapters, all will make sense.

High school sophmore Mikami Shinozaki stared out the window she was sitting across, letting herself experience the seldom-allowed pleasure of daydreaming. Normally, she was one of the most attentive students not only in class, but in the entire school. Today however, she just couldn't muster up the energy to pay attention. Her eyes stared out of the wide, lightly dirt-covered window but focused on nothing as her mind drifted off into space. It was rare that she thought about absolutely nothing, and she mused how interesting it was that once one noted this you couldn't actually be thinking about nothing.

She chuckled at this for a moment before being snapped back to reality by the sound of her chemistry teacher, a short, stocky caucasian lady, clearing her voice.

"Ahem", the woman said loudly, "if you're not going to pay attention in my class, Ms. Shinozaki, the least you could do is go to sleep like your friend behind you," she motioned to the boy behind her.

Mikami's lily-white skin flushed red with embarassment. "I'm sorry Mrs. Gordon," she exclaimed, bowing her head and beginning to copy the notes that had been put on the overhead at the front of the classroom