Click Click Click

Story by bobthecreep

In an attempt to get myself out of a writing funk, I came up with a short based on a game at least some of us have at least heard of if not played. I'm not saying what the themes are (besides solo futa), or what the game is because I don't want to give anything away.

Popular internet games never really piqued my interest. Whether it was something on Visagebook or that one about flinging waterfowl at boars with a trebuchet, they all just seemed like overblown garbage to me. How could anyone let themselves get drawn in by something so simple and stupid?

Over the course of about a week or two, I started seeing more and more of one particularly dumb-looking game. From a thread on 8-san one day, to hundreds of posts a day across various blogs. How could this be happening? How could something this impossibly simple get so universally popular so quickly?

From what I gathered, the game was called Confection Clicker and a more to-the-point title there could never be. From the screenshots I saw of the game, I knew auto-clickers and grandmothers were involved, along with other odd things, but there was one question always picking away in the back of my mind: what was the goal? Was the point of this game just to get the number of baked goods to increase more and more? Did it ever stop? I decided that I would find out what this was all about, telling myself that I would only check it out for a few minutes.

I waited to find the link to the game as I roamed my usual internet haunts and it wasn't long until I found it. Opening the game in a new tab, I was promptly greeted by a single cookie on a light grey background with a list of things on the right that I assumed I could 'buy' once the counter on the left got high enough.

I clicked the lone cookie and the counter increased by one. Another click. And another. Click, click, click. In practically no time at all, I had enough to get the first item on the list: an auto-clicker that would click the cookie once every five seconds. With the counter reverted to zero, a little white hand hovered over the lower edge of the cookie and, in five seconds, it clicked.

With my little helper clicking away alongside my own cursor, I soon reached the amount I had before to buy another little hand. However, when I looked back to the list, the price had increased! The game was obviously banking on the player's laziness. No matter, it was only slightly higher, so a few clicks later, I had a second auto-clicker.

My mouse was nearly buzzing as I rapidly clicked the cookie over and over, working to get the next little reward that would do my work for me. As the counter rounded past 50, I started to feel a light itch in my crotch. Not thinking anything of it, I continued my manic clicking, eventually getting enough for the second prize on the list: a virtual old lady to make cookies. I slid my left hand into my panties to defeat the small twinge as I clicked the sweet old woman with