Heated Surprise

Story by polo2077

This is the story I wrote for Summer Heat Competition on Hentai Foundry run by Tsvitok.

Since it has more than one chapter I decided it doesn't belong in the shorts and deserves its own thread.

Heated Surprise

Josh meets girl of his dreams and gets more than he was asking for.

contains: male/futa


It was almost winter now. As the time flew, the rest of the summer was gone soon, the trees wrapped itself in red then in yellow and finally they remained hollow trunks as reminder of coming snow. All that was left of that fateful summer were few photos, several e-mails and one lone Skype call. Josh was trying to contact her for two weeks now, but without any luck. The last message said she was going to move somewhere else, but he haven’t heard from her since. The movies were right; the long distance relationship doesn’t work. She will probably forget him soon, if she didn’t already. But he will treasure the memories forever. And to think he didn’t want to go on family vacation in the first place...

Josh’s mother stopped the car in front of hotel and turned back to the rest of the family.

“Here we are. The Sunrise Beach Resort. Week full of fun and recreation is ahead,” she announced.

“More like week of doing absolutely nothing ahead,” Josh snapped back at her.

“Oh shush, it is going to be great. Sand beaches from one horizon to the other, azure blue sea and don’t forget the sun.”

“My idea of vacation is not lying on a beach being burned by sun. All of my friends are doing something exciting on vacation and I am the only one in this boring place. I am adult and I can make my own choices.”

“Watch your language young mister,” his father stepped into their conversation. “As long as you live under our roof, you have to listen to us. We have talked about this at home and I won’t let you to ruin this vacation. Your mother, your sister and I are looking forward to this and I hope you will too. Now enough talk, let’s get luggage to our rooms.”


As Josh ditched his family unpacking in the hotel room and went to explore the beach just behind the hotel, he quickly realised that the reality was even worse than his expectations. The beach was crowded. The rows and rows of parasols went on forever as most of the other visitors spent their time on the beach. If he wanted to go relief the heat in the water, he would have to dig his way through piles of bodies and heaps of screaming kids. Instead he found free parasol and lay down with a book. He didn’t even finish first chapter when volleyball flew over him, almost knocking down his parasol.

“Hey watch out, there are other people here!” he shouted angrily in the direction from which the volleyball flew, expecting some small kids.

To his surprise, girl roughly his age came for the volleyball.

“Hi, I am