Short Stories From The Planet Copula

Story by Kiereth

Here's the introduction chapter to a set of short stories I'm going to write at some point to pass the time.

What should you expect? Unless I note otherwise: romance, sex, futanari, mythical beings, and UK English spelling. Hope there aren't too many turn-offs in there ^_^

Prologue Welcome to the world of Copula. This veritable paradise exists in an alternate reality, five thousand years ahead of us on their equivalent timeline. Their ways of life are different from ours in that, while our ancestors ravaged and destroyed all sentient non-humans thousands of years ago, the humans were the ones who lost that devastating war of genocide, and thus magic was allowed to flourish.

It was from this unborn timeline of history that our fantasy stories are drawn – elves, fairies, centaurs, spirits, and gods – all of these once existed, but were lost by our warmongering and destructive enterprising as a race of upstarts. Thus, the only race missing from this alternate menagerie of civilisation is the lowly, yet numerous, humans.

Magic was developed as a way of increasing quality of life instead of technology, as it was far more efficient. It was only natural, since technology was the sole hand-hold for the un-magical humans to gain ground over the other inhabitants of Earth. It just so happened that the technology that humans had developed at the equivalent point of the stone age didn't manage to give them an edge over the natural magic of their unwilling neighbours.

And, thus, the peoples of this alternate Earth developed equivalents of our technologies from magic, and much earlier than we did. By the time that our world had mastered the firearm, theirs had mastered internal combustion. By the time that we had mastered that, they'd managed to reach the moon – and by their year 2000, they'd begun colonisation of the solar system.

But our story may as well not concern itself with such dry history – after all, it is ancient, given the time that we divert our attentions to.

The world of Copula is one of many like it – it is for the people who decide to lead a life of no work, since a career is truly optional in a lifestyle created by design. It is a world ruled by carnal desires – those who move there are the do so in the knowledge that it is a world filled with parties, drinking, extreme sports, and sex. The people of this world live their lives with a side helping of adrenaline, testosterone, and oestrogen.

Join me if you wish – sit down, belt up, and prepare yourselves – for I intend to bring to you stories from a planet built for passion. This is Short Stories From The Planet Copula, and each story I bring you shall be a different tale of love and sex between fantastical peoples who can live only for such endeavours.