Story by misfit446

A bit different for me but something that needed to be written. The pic by In Case was so lovely I couldn't help it. Thanks so much for your talent in inspiring me.



When my friend Karen called and asked me to some stupid theme restaurant I snorted and said "no". But she persisted. She had a GroupOn coupon for two. And the food was supposed to be excellent according to Yelp. Karen was a dork, always so up on all the web crap. Half the time I didn't understand a word she would say.

For me, computers were only good for one thing, PORN! Oh and email, I guess. I'm not a Face Book person nor any other socially centered site. I like to fuck, jack off and keep in touch a bit with friends and family. That's about it. And my stupid job at the town recycling plant. Okay, not stupid really. I'm a foreman and get to drive forklifts and stuff. That actually is fun. And it's a strong union gig. So if I play me cards right, I'll be set for life.

Three things I don't do. I don't fuck anyone I work with, period. No way. Not losing my benefits and yearly cost of living raises. I'll be netting $100K in about ten years. Not bad for someone with a basic AA degree.

The second thing I don't do is just go and show anyone what I have tucked under my clothing, though I've been told it is rather impressive and should be paraded down Main Street on the 4th of July. Yeah, right. When I meet someone, I start a relationship, whatever kind that might be. A friendship, a fuckship, or just a drinking partner for the evening. I don't do one night stands. EVER! To explain, a friendship is just that. Like I have with Karen, a very nice yet a bit chubby and bubbly young woman who loves movies, food, beer and to laugh. When her face is smiling, she is actually quite a fetching girl. And the laugh is infectious to be sure.

A fuckship is where a call can be made, either by me or to me and well, we fuck. Pure and simple. But it is with others I know. Maybe not close friends or anything but quality, wanting women who need a bit of happiness maybe or just to relieve some tension. There is one very attractive young woman who's husband is away fighting. She's got two young ones and is trying to keep home and a part time job while juggling expenses to keep the family solvent. And on a military salary as the majority of income, that can be daunting. So for some relief, I slip on my Ultra Maxum and go to town. Those fucks are usually just that. No foreplay really, maybe a kiss or lick or touch. But it's about ringing Deena's bell several times. Then we clean up, grab a bite to catch up and off I go home to get ready for work the next day. No specific schedule and no hang ups. How I like it. And there are "dry" times for me to be by myself, get things done and read a good book once in a while. Life can be good.

A drinking partner is just someone I meet up at Tom's a local bar or that skanky