Great and Powerful Foalsitter (futa/f, ponies, foalcon, impregnation)

Story by JannicaNeko

WARNING: The following is a clopfic. That means ponies are involved. If you do not like My Little Pony, or cannot handle technicolor ponies of various ages screwing each other senseless for the sake of breeding or otherwise, please do not read further Any comments of negativity involving the fandom or the show will be either ignored or pointed at and laughed uproariously due to the fact that you could not adhere to this warning.

You have been warned.

This story is complete at the moment. I would honestly like some feedback more on the characterizations than the scene itself, but please chime in with any C&C you may have, as I am trying to expand myself as an author.

Thank you.

PS: I HATE writing accents.

P.S.S. Might write more of this. Unsure where to take it since it's supposed to be a one time thing.

"Now Trixie, Ah appreciate the fact that yer tryin ta right yer wrongs here..." Applebloom blinked as she heard her sister come up the stairs, looking up from her homework to look out the door. "But Ah'm tellin ya, the apology was enough!"

Passing by her door, a frustrated Applejack was leading a haughtily determined Trixie, muzzle in the air as she gave a derisive snort. "The Humble and Apologetic Trixie shall not take no for an answer. Word has reached Trixie of how your friends and yourself have been summoned to the Crystal Empire by Princess Celestia, and Princess Twilight Sparkle herself requested the Humble and Apologetic Trixie come to help your farm while you are away. Honestly, you should be honored the Humble and Apologetic Trixie would even offer to assist your farm and watch over your little sister."

Letting out a huff, Applejack simply shook her head before stopping in place, turning to show Trixie they were at their destination. "Fine! Ah get it! Thank ya Trixie, fer commin on short notice! With Big Mac handlin business in Appleloosa and Granny off to see her friend Granny Apple Rose, Ah couldn't in good conscience leave Applebloom alone. Seein as Twi asked ya herself, I s'pose ah'll give ya this chance..." Turning to Applebloom, Applejack gave her little sister a soft smile. "Bloom, Trixie here's gonna help ya watch over things while Ah'm away. You make sure she don;t pull nothin, and remember to send me a letter every few days so Ah know everythin's allright, ok sugarcube?"

Glancing from her sister to Trixie, Applebloom frowned and crossed her forelegs in a huff. "Ah don't need no babysitter Sis! Ah can take care of mahself! Heck, if Ah needed help, Ah can always go to Zecora's, or the Cakes, or even Miss Cheerilee! "

Smirking, Applejack shook her head and ruffled her stubborn little sister's mane, paying little attention to Trixie as the unicorn seeme3d to size up her sister. "Trixie ain't a babysitter. She's here ta keep you company and help round the farm. Twilight asked fer her personally, so don't you fret none. As fer the oth