Poolside Loving

Story by RedLight

Heeellloooo again FP! It's been a REALLY long time since I actually put up a story here, eh heh. I wouldn't call it writer's block so much as calling it running into a Writer's brickwall. ^^;; I finally decided to go with a poolside idea, after looking through some old rps for inspiration on a general theme hat might break me through the wall and finding one that with Duel (Kudos to Him btw!) that followed a similar action by the poolside theme. Anyways, I hope you guys like it! Comment and Constructive criticism is always welcome.

It was barely even six in the morning on this particular early summer day as it seemed that someone was already happily lounging about in the local indoor pool. That wouldn’t be that odd of a sight, after all, many people spent their summer days lounging about poolside. The owners made sure to keep it nice and clean to the best of their abilities, and it seemed that the residents that made up the gated suburban community appreciated it. Once you considered that the pool didn’t open to the public for another 3 hours, however, that made things a bit odder.

Of course, it was pretty easy to get in three hours earlier when you had a key to the place. Taylor was currently one of many high school students enjoying their summer break, and working at the public pool just happen to be her summer job to make a little money on the side. The soon to be high school senior was normally on clean up duty, ensuring that the pool was ready to go for the afternoon rush. She normally worked alongside another girl, but she just happened to be out on vacation, leaving Taylor to go it alone.

Taylor didn’t mind the fact; after all, it made it much easier to have a bit of “fun” on the job. Despite the fact that she actually did well enough at school, and didn’t really get into much trouble there, Taylor was clearly quite the character regardless. It seemed that around her freshman year Taylor started hanging around a group of students that were heavily into the punk subculture, and that clearly shaped her look quite strongly.

Taylor’s mid-length black locks were streaked with a multitude of pink, purple, and blue highlights. The purple eye shadow and lipstick combo further added to an already loud and bold look. The punk enthusiast seemed to really have a thing for spiked accessories as well, considering the dark blue, spiked choker that was on her neck. She also had bracelets that matched not in only color but general spikiness as well.

Taylor’s parents often referred to themselves as semi-retired hippies, and they seemed to be very quick to encourage her individuality. Taylor’s parents didn’t even bat an eye when she told them that she was a lesbian. Considering that her parental unit consisted of two women, however, probably made the decision to accept it rather easy for them.

The punk enthusiast didn’t seem to be in much of a h