Twenty-Five Pairs by Rachael Ross (Science Fiction, Romance, Erotica)

Story by rachaelross

Synopsis: Jennifer Pinchbeck isn't like other thirteen year old girls. The subject of her brilliant mother's genetic research, Jennifer knows that she has twenty-five chromosome pairs, but does that make her a miracle of medicine or the end of all human life? Only at the pinnacle of mankind's greatest scientific achievement will she discover the truth about who…and what…she really is.

Some codes: Romance, Science Fiction, Incest, Oral, Anal, Good People Doing Bad Things, Governement Conspiracies, and some Tear Jerking, from time to time. The first six chapters are misleading, intentionally, although I've just spoiled it for you. Sorry.

Twenty-Five Pairs - Chapter One

Harden, Utah 2010

Moving to Harden Utah was just about the weirdest thing that ever happened to me. The best too, I mean. We moved a lot anyway, since my dad worked for the government, so I was kinda used to being different by the time I turned thirteen, but still, taken all in all, it was pretty weird.

The first day of school is always the worst.

At least the kids were nice, most of them, not like when we moved to that place in Texas when I was eleven. I'd gotten beat up my first day there. At the school in Harden most of the other kids smiled and said hi to me, which was pretty much a relief. It was all one school too, which was a lot different than most places where they more or less separated elementary and middle school and high school, you know. This place it was all just one big school, kindergarten to twelfth grade, and I was in the seventh grade.

"Hey new girl," someone said and I'd just sat down in my first class which wasn't a class at all, but something they called homeroom.

"Hi." I turned to look, of course, and it was a boy and a lot older than me, like seventeen probably or maybe even eighteen.

"What's your name?" he asked and he was pretty cute.

Well, he was seriously cute. Kind of big, like a football player kinda, with brown eyes and kind of short brown hair. A handsome face, smiling too, and that made him look really nice.

"Jennifer Pinchbeck? Where are you dear?" the teacher interrupted us before I could answer. She was rather old with tortoise shell glasses and a bad perm like you can only get in a small town beauty parlor.

"Uh, here." I lifted my arm, but not too high.

"Jennifer?" the boy whispered with a smile and I think I blushed, just because everyone was looking at me. I never really liked that feeling very much.

"There you are. Come on up here and introduce yourself," the teacher said and I swallowed hard, but I'd been to a lot of new schools and this had happened to me before.
