My Rant on Futa/Male Stories (No Story Here, this is Just for Discussion of Them)

Story by Cian Triumph

Even though this is a discussion thread essentially, I'm putting this here because its a discussion of stories.

My Rant on Futa/Male Stories

(Or: Why stereotypes suck.)

Okay, I'll confess. I'm one of those strange guys who manages to be straight and still enjoy futanari/male stories, manga, etc. No, I don't know how. No, I don't care how. Does it matter? If you wanted to you could question the whys and hows of everything about yourself but most likely you'd never get any answers and everything just might seem pointless to you when you were done. I am, and I'm not ashamed. (Of course I'm not saying I'm going to go around yelling it to the sky either.) Sadly, its a much-maligned genre of stories in the futanari community, and you're more likely to see a beautiful futanari nail a seven year old (sorry Shredded, I still love your stories though...release something new soon, please!) than see one with a guy. Its illogical, really. There are bi women. There are bi men. Realistically, at least character-wise (let's not get into physical possibilities...there's been plenty of discussions on that already), a person with both sets of genitalia would lean towards being bi than they would liking a single gender. And yet, thanks to an odd sort of closeminded-ness, this is never the case. The thought pattern for futa characters in most authors' stories goes something like this: "I imagine most guys would be disgusted by my body, but that's okay, I never liked boys much anyway!" And then the story happily continues on to have our lovely herm go bang the living daylights out of some unsuspecting girl. Yeah. Right. -_-

Of course, even when we GET a futa/male story, there's still a few hurdles to overcome. Stereotypes that I've noticed and have come to dislike to the point of pretty much giving up on a story when I see them. This list is meant to be a bit of a guide of things it would be nice if most authors tried NOT to do when they decide to deign us lowly futa/male fans with a story. I like to think they're mostly self-explanatory, but if they're not I'll explain why they're annoying, and you're welcome to disagree but hopefully you'll see where I'm coming from. I'll say before I start there's no rhyme or reason. All of this is off the top of the head and I don't even know how many they are. So with all that said, here we go:

1.) The male looks really feminine. This one's seen mostly in futa/shota stories. (Which I enjoy because I'm weird and I like to be in the little kids place. ....Stop looking at me like that. I said I was weird.) If you're wondering why I don't like this one...basically if I wanted to see a futanari/female story, I'd go read one. There are plenty. If I wanted to read a futanari/futanari story, I'd read one of THOSE too. There are plenty of them as well (though not as many as futa/female). I'm not saying the guy has to be really muscular and hairy....I'd prefer it if they weren't (I'm not.