SlaveMaker Fanfiction

Story by Deleted_User

With Cmac's permission I wrote a fanfic based on my playthrough of Slave Maker. The MC of the story is Avatar number four, Kamui from Vocaloid, who plays the role of Count Valencio.

Please pinpoint any grammatical errors I may have and constructive criticism for the plot itself is also welcome.

On the eve of a major legislation, Kazumi Asakura had been scheduled the interview of a lifetime. She was an upcoming journalist in the Kingdom of Mioya’s newspaper and she walked briskly to the main ports of the capital city. The main ports saw heavy traffic all the time and trade ships were leaving and coming. Mioya was the foremost and biggest slaver nation in the world, boasting the world’s most powerful economy despite its little territory and the slave trade was the center of it.

Three centuries prior, most of the known world was ruled by the Empire of Dunsayni, a human centric empire that was both loved and hated. Its territory covered most of the western continent and had some strides in the eastern one as well. Mioya was one of the empire’s most loyal fiefs, being a duchy of considerable power. But then the empire collapsed, unable to keep its expanding borders in check, many of its territories broke apart with humans and non-humans making new kingdoms and states. The dukes of Mioya tried to stay with the empire, but the imperial troops themselves pulled out. Dunsayni was a now a kingdom that bordered Mioya to the south, a remnant of its former self.

Mioya was hit hard after this economic wise, fortunately for the ex-duchy it was able to maintain its stability and independence as large kingdoms and other empires formed around them. It reorganized into a Kingdom and with the help of the slave trade it became the most prosperous nation on the planet.

But prosperity has its own problems: after years of conspiracies, the failing relations between its neighbor Firee, rebellions and infighting between abolitionists and conservatives, the King has promised to reveal a new legislation that would bring peace for the time being. People fear however that he’s about to sign in an emancipation proclamation.

So there Kazumi stood, in front of the massive galleon that has been the center of history in these past few years. The ship had only been moved once recently, from the eastern docks to the central docks. Despite that, it looked like it was in good condition, with its sails folded.

This ship was home to the most notorious slave maker in the kingdom. His actions have shaped and even saved the kingdom at various points and on the eve of the potential abolition, an interview with Count Valencio would make headlines tomorrow.

She walked alongside the stone docks, with dry-docks and ships being repaired, and approached the side of Count Valencio’s Galleon. She saw some women on the sides of the ship and whistled, they noticed him immediately and lowered the ramp. As she climbed u