Futa Quest

Story by Sajukno

Been dreaming up a fantasy story for a while, but didn't have the flash of inspiration I needed until about 7 hours ago, which resulted in writing this. I've been awfully productive lately!

The path had been treacherous, but finally, Mary of Grassdale, knight of the Seventh Order, had reached her destination. Many months of trekking through dangerous wilderness had led the young knight to where she was, standing at the bottom of a set of weathered stone steps, reaching up high, to a dark, demonic castle. Spikes jutted out of the terrifying structure, a lightning storm perpetually overhead. Mary braved the wind and the rain as she purposefully strode up the steps, droplets pinging off her armor as she ascended.

The door to the evil castle was massive. Mary grabbed a wrought iron knocker and slammed it against the bright red, demonically warped oak three times, her teeth rattling as the booming sounds rattled through the fortress. Silently, as if on their own free will, the giant double doors swung open, and Mary entered the dark, foreboding castle.

Torches lit the walls, adorned with tapestries of demonic bloodshed, tributes to the underworld, a whole other plane of existence, one of hellish torment. A lesser knight would attempt to escape, but Mary swallowed her fear and continued, the clanking of her iron boots echoing in the cavernous hallway. In this oppressive atmosphere, Mary's gleaming armor felt ten times as heavy, but the brave swordmaiden continued, eyes wide as she beheld the skeletons of men who had dared enter before her.

After nearly an eternity marching down the foreboding hallway, Mary came upon a pair of large, solid gold double doors. The faint smell of sulfur stung Mary's nose.

"This is it," Mary whispered, gritting her teeth, as she prepared to open the doors.

Despite the she-knight's considerable strength, the doors would not budge. Mary continued pushing with all her might, until the doors effortlessly swung open, causing Mary to crash into the next room. Scrambling to her feet, Mary unsheathed her sword.

"Demon! Show yourself!" Mary shouted. "I have come to slay you!"

As if on command, hellish fire burst from the floor in front of Mary, illuminating a twisted throne, of rusty iron and bones. Sitting atop the throne was none other than the demon Mary had set out to slay, stark naked.

"You have killed many of my people!" Mary shouted. "I am here to destroy you!"

The busty demoness looked down on Mary, pointy red tail flitting about restlessly, bright yellow eyes burning into Mary's very soul. "You're a girl," the demon stated plainly.

"As strong as any man, even stronger!" Mary shouted, remaining steadfast. Whatever mind games this foul, yet unbelievably attractive, demon was playing wouldn't work on this knight. Although she was incredibly good-looking...

Mary shook her head. "Fight me, demon!" she commanded.

Chuckling, the demoness got off of