Polo2077's collection of shorts

Story by polo2077

I will use this thread for posting short one-shots containing futa tag I'll write on various occasions.

For non-futa stories or sfw stories use link in my signature for my HF userpage.

1. This is the story I wrote for HF Winter Wonderland Competition run by Tsvitok.

“I swear that if we won’t find the cabin soon, my feet will freeze and fall off.”

Man in dark green winter jacket tried to dig himself a way from a snowdrift, only to fall even deeper to snow. His partner, a young lady with bright smile went back and helped him out.

“Oh man up, Mike. It’s just snow. It’s not that far away now.”

“How the hell did you come to such abandoned place? When you said cabin, I thought about some place in the woods, with inbred redneck and chainsaws.”

“You know that not everything is from a cheap slasher movie. My aunt actually won this place in an online auction. It used to be an old mountain rescue base or something.”

“I hope someone was there since then, I wouldn’t be surprised if we find the cabin under an avalanche.”

“I was there last summer, I think. Only two feet of snow back then. Look, you see that huge spruce? That’s it! We are almost there.”

Soon enough they made their way through the snow to the cabin half lost under the old spruce and snow. Even though the door was buried under the thick coat of snow, shovels hidden just under the edge of the roof weren’t. Only a few minutes later the duo stood inside of the cabin, snow falling off them on varnished wooden floor. The cabin was basically only one room with stove in the middle, small kitchen at the back, a table with a few chairs, stuffed moose head and a couple of beds.

“Oh, it looks beautiful Jenn. I was expecting some dusty old ruin full of cobwebs.”

“I told you I was here in summer. I might have or might have not cleaned the place up.”

“I must admire your determination; this place must have been a swamp. Now let’s do something for our own comfort, we have to heat up the place.”


The evening found the couple squatting around the red hot stove. They both no longer wore their winter jackets, but they were shaking with cold. Jenn, even though she was of smaller figure than Mike, went for a basket full of wooden logs. With sigh she fed some more to the blazing stove, hoping to get even little more heat from it.

“Maybe it wasn’t such great idea to come here in the middle of January. I am not even sure if we’ll be able to sleep tonight. We might freeze to death. Or at least to a serious case of cold.”

Mike came to her from behind, rustling through her fair hair and whispering to her ear.

“You know, there is the good old fashioned way to keep warm. We need to stay together and close, to save some bod