Mage4hire's story adventures

Story by KatCute

This is my first attempt at a story so I hope it's received well ^_^ It's more of a plot driven story and there probably won't be anything sex related for a while into the story. Just saying right now I made the name up a second before posting it and I expect it to change when I make something better. Without further talking on my part I hope you enjoy the story ^_^

Morning call blew loudly at 6 am, same time it blew every day, except on Sunday. Sam groaned as he was awakened from his restful sleep and rolled out of his bed. He looked around his one room house that was the same as every house in the lower class district and sighed. Everything was the same for lower class citizens, as long as you did the job assigned to you, you were provided all the necessary living requirements. A house, clothes, food, and all of it was the same for every person without any chance of variety in the matter. Sam stretched as he yawned and walked over to the dresser to get his uniform. He opened it up and pulled out one of many identical gender neutral outfits that he had to wear every day and put it on. He walked over to the corner that served as a bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. He had a deceptively feminine appearance that wasn’t helped by his long black hair. He had accidentally broken his pair of scissors he was provided for all purpose needs and had no choice but to let his hair grown unchecked. He washed his face and combed his hair. As much as he hated it long it wouldn’t make it any better if it was tangled too. After he was done he walked over to the area that he used as his kitchen and pulled out some cereal and some milk. He sat down at his small table turned on his radio before pouring out some cereal and milk into a bowl. A voice came through the radio’s speaker in a grainy newscaster style.

“Alien menace strikes again!” It blared “The alien forces attacked the human colony located on Zerion in their pursuit of destruction, luckily our brave boys in the alien resistances forces were there to fight off the enemy. A difficult battle resulted in glorious victory. With great skill and-“

Sam turned off the radio in disgust. The only thing ever heard about the war was the small victories that seemed minuscule in importance. He finished off his cereal in peace and put his dishes away, checking the clock as he did so. It was about to 6:30 by this point, and Sam knew Will would be waiting for him outside. Sam headed out the door and saw Will, waiting as he always did for as long as he could remember.

“Hey Sammi!” Called Will from the sidewalk. Sam sighed and walked down to meet him.

“Hey Will, and how many times have I told you not to use my full name?”

“Maybe if you stop looking so much like a girl I’ll stop.”

“I can’t help how I look.”

“Well the hair isn’t helpin