The Punishment

Story by davidjordan


The throbbing in her head woke Cassandra, an insistent pain that made it impossible to focus her thoughts. She opened her eyes, then immediately shut them, the light adding searing to the throbbing. The rest of her body felt a dull ache, as if over-exercised or somewhat battered. She slowly turned on her side, and raised her hand to shield her eyes. She opened them again, slowly, and tried to focus on her surroundings. Images, at first hazy, gradually became clearer. She was in her bedroom - - the blinds were open, sunlight streaming in, the Velázquez print on the wall, the desk and chair. She turned the other way, slowly, to see her closet, slightly open.

Turning to the other side made her aware of an unfamiliar heaviness. She moved again, deliberately, slowly, to feel it. Her chest. She had become used to the light, so she opened her eyes and looked down. She saw an unrecognized form, chocolate brown, massive, sloping. The throbbing in her head continued, but she was able to start processing, barely. She moved again; the form moved with her. She slowly recognized what she was looking at - - not from memory so much as from previous exposure. Breasts. Two monumental breasts. Apparently attached to her body.

Cassandra remembered large breasts, enough to get more than her share of notice. But these, these were brobdingnagian. They completely filled her field of vision. She couldn’t see past them. Chocolate mountains, capped with dark chocolate dinner plates. She stared for a minute, then gingerly reached down with one hand to touch them. Her touch sent a faint shock through her body. She reached down with her other hand and slowly let both hands run down the dark expanse, down to the two areolae. The languid descent sent an increasing charge through her body, through her breasts, through her gut, through her legs, through her...

Through her...? What was that sensation? She shifted a bit, and felt an additional weight. One that definitely was unfamiliar. She raised her head to try and see, but her boobs were just too big. She shoved one hand, then the other, in between the giant expanses and pushed them apart. Then she screamed.

There, past her close-cropped pubic bush, was not one, but two enormous cocks, each over a foot long.

Four hundred miles away, a nearly identical scene played itself out.

Melinda broke off her scream and stared wide-eyed at the surreal scene. One cock lay on top of the other, each pointing in slightly different directions. Their turgid reddish pinkness contrasted with her lightly tanned stomach and the cream white tan lines on her gigantic tits. She kept staring, staring. The sight was obscene, yet mesmerizing. And, she became aware, arousing.

Slowly one, then the other, of the two penises began to expand, and lengthen. Slowly, straining against their own weight, they began to rise. Melinda continu