A sci/fi eventually futa post apocalyptic story.

Story by Briahnna

Ok guys, this is my first story posting. Luvbster's writing has kinda inspired me to post up something that has been tumbling around in my head for quiet some time now. the first chapter doesn't really have any sex in it although the story will contain sex and sexy things. it will be a story more about the human spirit and what makes us who we are. so as some of us seem to often say, I am trying for something different and I hope you enjoy it. feed back of all kinds is much appreciated thanks for your time and hopefully your thoughts on the story

Just to give you a general overview the story is based on the idea of a post apocalyptic setting where Alien life forms come to earth and take earth from us. how do we survive the advanced lifeforms tech and can we help each other save ourselves or do we perish before foraging our way into a new tomorrow.

Everyday life interrupted Chapter 1 (contains:no sex, Aliens and heavy plot.) The small spherical bombs flew down landing on the ground with a loud thump then seemed to intelligently roll into buildings or cover and explode. The explosions were ear shattering each explosion seemed to shake everything for miles. Gazing upon the destruction of the city streets while levitating in the sky I absorbed the carnage below me while I thought to myself “what is going on, where am I.” Shaking with the sway of each explosion I could see the dark clouds covering all I viewed. Lighting crashed to the ground which outlined the organic spaceships hovering in the clouds and the purple explosions lit everything like strobe lights.

The smell of antiseptic, dried blood and rank flesh made me crinkle my nose in disgust as I turned noticing the creature standing next to me. It was alien like the ones you read about in the old stories from the fifties. Its big saucer sized black eyes set in a large unisex face was vaguely human yet its long arms were tipped with talons and its sharp small teeth looked like they both were used in tearing flesh and bone with equal ease. Statuesquely it gazed upon my naked form as I could hear the shifting of its long fabric gown with each explosion that rocked our safe vantage point. The creatures shrill yet monotone voice startled me out of my reverie and examinations “They are coming, this is what awaits you, prepare yourself.”

Confused I looked at it and spoke questioningly “Who and what are you, what are you talking about.” Shrugging I glanced around my voice still full of confusion and questions “Where are we, what’s going on I don’t understand.”

It touched my shoulder as if to reassure me, I could feel the chitinous claws almost piercing my skin again it whispered in its shrill monotone voice unaccustomed to alien languages. “My name is Tha’kula and I haven’t much time left, please tell all you can your world depends on beep beep beep.”

Jumping up I awoke from